Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mother’s Day 2019

Man, oh, man, have I been well and truly spoiled this weekend.

In case it isn’t glaringly obvious on this here blog—I am truly, madly, deeply in love with motherhood—in all its good, bad, ugly, miraculous, whiny, smelly, heart-bursting, exhausting, rewarding, hilarious, gloriousness.

It is, quite simply, the best thing I will ever do.

And celebrating the Mama in me with my family is just hands-down the BEST.

I hope all the Mamas out there have felt a tenth of the love and gratitude I have this entire weekend.


In no particular order, our weekend in snippets: church, shopping, couch snuggling, flowers, spa relaxing, and, perhaps the best of all: the normalcy of eating in our kitchen after three hours of floor scrubbing, to finally have all the hardwood cleaned at the same time. A MOTHER’S DAY MIRACLE!

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