Thursday, May 2, 2019

Snippets and Snapshots

I has this week flown by so quickly???

Don’t get me wrong: bring on the Friday. But seriously, I feel like I blinked and dayyyyz have gone by, whilst I’ve been in an unpacking furor.

How—seriously, how???—can we be this many weeks into our new home, and I’m still unpacking, and I still don’t have a single functioning appliance in my kitchen. (Scratch that...I have a disposal.)

These are all questions I don’t want to answer or ponder too long, lest I curl into the fetal position and weep, so instead, I shall be grateful for the boatloads of organization that has happened this week, and share some completely random snapshots of our week.

But first, a few promises:
  1. Someday soon, I’ll try to share some pics of completed rooms (instead of the peeks you might have seen in backgrounds of shots) so you can get a feel for our new digs.
  2. Someday soon, I’ll try to type up the whole story of this unbelievable move.
  3. Someday soon, I’ll try (like, really, really try) to stop whining about this unbelievable move and my lack of functioning kitchen.
Okie dokie.

We have a new favorite donut place, and I die. Because they have loads of CAKE donuts, which, of course, are the only kind I live for.

P.S. Hilariously, we found this place (a chain with over 100 locations, apparently), because it’s next to our dentist office, which just make me laugh.

We went back to the library again to exchange books on a rainy afternoon, and took Chica with us this time. :)

This one is called: Superhero Geckos Who Climb Trees And Lunch With Daddy.

And, look—Chicklet climbs (and lunches), too!

Superhero watercolor fun, that sort of failed watercolor-wise, so we switched to paintbrush markers. ;)

And, lastly...Target dollar bin leis, and gorgeous girlies. :)

Happy Almost Friday, peeps.

Over and out.

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