Saturday, June 15, 2019

Little Man’s SA Bathroom/Bedroom!

So...this evening, I was cleaning commodes (super fancypants Cinderella work, I know), and once they were all glimmering, I was upstairs putting laundry away in Little Man’s room (again, with the glamorous-ness), and I looked around and thought: huh, I should totally take some pics while everything is cleared off the counters. Hurry, quick! Before my minions destroy it all!

So, that’s what I did, since I don’t think I’ve shared any pics of his bathroom, yet. 

Now, a couple things to note. Most importantly, Little Man’s area of the upstairs is the first thing you see as you round the final bend of the stairwell and emerge on the landing.

So we wanted it to be well-put together, sort of statement-making, and like most things in the house, not totally subtle, ha.

Why not have fun with things, eh? 

Now, heeeeere’s the before and after:

Now, we knew we wanted to rip out the old tub and comvert it to a shower, and we knew we’d be removing the vanity and replacing it with something freestanding and a bit more modern.

But the specifics all began with this fun and bold black hexagon tile. When we were shopping for all of our materials in that mad dash of a less-than-two-week time period, we found it, loved it, sort of worried it was too crazy, but then went for it anyway. And, man, am I glad we did.

Better still—I’m so glad I went with my gut and left the border at the top unfinished (even though a few people have hilariously asked me if it hasn’t been completed, hehe).

So after the black hexagon was in place—along with a smaller, lovey grey hexagon tile for the floor of the shower, the rest of the fun bits fell into place. 

The light fixture...

Fun, black-accent faucet and handles...

This coolio mirror, that took awhile to settle on, actually...

It was all just pretty fun (have I said that half a dozen times already?).

It was all also quite extensive. I’m not gonna lie, there were many times throughout the process that I feared it would never ever wrap up (like everything else with this house). Like when it looked like this: did wrap up, and it was actually the first functioning (if leaking) toilet and sink (also leaking; both eventually got fixed) in the house. And where we first showered—all of us—many weeks (without the glass shower door that didn’t come until much later).

Ah...”good” times.

Anywho. I’m so pleased with how it all came together, and I love the masculine vibe of it all (Little Man tolerates so much girly, ha) and how well it coordinates seamlessly with Little Man’s Bedroom. Very fun. 

And I think I’ve shared a few pics of Little Man’s bedroom-in-progress, but heeere it is.

Honestly, I feel like we spend the most time in Little Man’s room—in relation to the three kiddos’ rooms.  It’s all good vibes. Superhero good vibes. So perhaps it was worth the pain. :)

Happy Father’s Day Weekend, peeps!

Over and out.

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