Sunday, June 23, 2019

Riverwalk Adventure!

Well, m’peeps. 

Another one bites the dust.

Little Man has the sick ick—so that’s four of us and counting, and I sort of weirdly hope Chica (the last one standing) goes down for the count, too, so we can just get this yuck over with, already!

Certainly wasn’t expecting to have this random round of illness in the early stages of summer. :( And I would stake a lot o’ money on the fact that the germs originated somewhere within the 1,200 kiddos we were around for VBS last week!

But...whaddya do?

And, hey, at least it’s happening now and not next week during our 4th of July trip!


As I mentioned, the yuck totally dampened the fun of having grandma and grandpa here because we’ve just been so low on energy.

BUT. We totally rallied long enough for our planned excursion on Friday night to...

The Riverwalk!

(If you just don’t zoom in on Chicklet or I, you can generally ignore the puny vibes surrounding us, ha).

This is actually a visit we’ve wanted to make since moving here (our only Riverwalk visit as a family was a couple years ago during a random trip to SA), and we specifically tried to make it happen a couple of weeks ago, but the hubby’s crazy work schedule foiled our attempt.

But this little lovely lady was pretty determined to make it happen. Going so far as putting it down on her official (sand) bucket list for summer activities, ha. And what goes on the list, happens for the family! we went! Fever sweats, mild crankiness, and all. (And lemme tell ya—with the humidity and steaminess, we didn’t need the fevers to bring on the sweats, ha).

That said, it really was more steamy than full-on hot, thanks to a bunch of rain lately, so once you got over the general stickiness, it was really lovely, actually. And I, for one, always forget what a marvel the Riverwalk area is. It’s truly a unique and really cool space in the SA area, and something I need to appreciate more, as a gem of living here now.

Fun fact: this outdoor amphitheater is where the filmed the swimsuit competition scene for Miss Congeniality. (And, come on, you know you’ve seen it and secretly loved it!).

It really is such a beautiful half-hour boat ride up and down the main stretch of Riverwalk. And the trees...oh, the trees, I adore them.

Lots of pink-cheeked, slightly hot, but content kiddos. 

Love these Daddy and Little Man pics. :)

Hellooooo, all!

I seriously love all the bridges, and there are sooo many fun restaurant choices, it would take a long time to get through them all before needed to repeat!

We had a yummy meal inside in some air conditioning, but right by a window to be able to take in the view, and it really was lovely.

Sure, I was wiped when I got home, but still glad we made it out and about for something lovely and unique to SA. Still trying to foster my new-city love. ;)

Hoping to finish some laundry and chill for the rest of this kinda puny Sunday before kicking off a fresh week. Chica’s birthday week, no less!

Happy Weekend, peeps!

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