Monday, June 3, 2019

Summer Intentions—2019

Oh my heavens, peeps, it feel like I’ve been totally absent on this here blog for the past week—and for no obvious reason! 

So, let’s rectify that—right here, right now.







Memorial Day Weekend has come and gone (how???), we are officially in the month of June (how???), and although Chica’s school isn’t officially out until Thursday (I mean, really...HOW???), we are READY.




Of course, this is our general vibe as we count down the next four days:

Happy, happy, joy, joy...amiright???

Until reality sets in and I realize I have all three of my nuggets underfoot, all day long, in the heat and horror of these loooong months that require major executive entertainment planning to survive. 

I mean...I’m exhausted just thinking about it, and it hasn’t even begun!


Alas...the show must go on, and this summer is happening, no matter what, so we’re just gonna get on board!

Now. Quick reality check:

For better or worse...we’ll be a bit isolated this summer, for reasons beyond our control. We just moved, 2.5 months ago, and have yet to truly make friends. Sure, Chica made wonderful connections with buddies at school—but they’ve yet to translate into parental meet-and-greets so we can get to the play date stage. :( So other than a couple neighborhood peeps we’ll try to harass into quality time...we’re gonna be just our tight knit selves for a couple months.

But...on the plus side, since we’ve kinda sorta already been isolated—and I’ve been accustomed to having both Chicklet and Little Man by my side 24/7, without Chicklet in a new school here—it won’t really seem different than business as usual.

And yet, I’m determined to make our little foursome (when Daddy’s at work) have the best possible summer, chock full of activity.

So here’s some of our positive intentions for Summer 2019...


It’s hit me hard in the past couple of weeks that when school is back in session come Fall, I’ll have not one, but two elementary-aged kiddos—plus Little Man kicking off his preschool phase. And while that’s a whole other ball of wax to discuss another day, these impending school milestones mean that learning and not backsliding has to be a priority.

We’re about to do a major iPad sweep and update to load my nuggets up on all sorts of age-appropriate learning apps to utilize during quiet time. And I have some other ideas up my sleeve, as well.

But learning, you are a must! So we gotta make it happen.

Now please join me in crying over these pics of Chicklet wearing a red dress that was once Chica’s (and one of her favorites, to boot!) I forget how small they are when they start kindergarten—and how fast they grow!

This was Chica in the dress, back in the day...


Now, this might seem like a no duh comment, but...we really need a bit more sleep and rest and downtime this summer! Especially Mama! And Chica—who is sooooo ready for a later wake-up call for awhile. But it can’t hurt the rest of my crew, who are all waking up much earlier than they did in McKinney, oye. 

R & R, we need you!


Obviously, with our home pool now, we’ve got major splashing plans in mind for this summer. But I’m particularly excited about the swim lessons that will kick of tomorrow! Heaven knows, we need as much water safety as we can get, and I can’t wait to track with our progress from beginning to end of swim season.

Tuesday Activity Days!

So...last Tuesday (post Memorial Day), we had an activity that took us further downtown. And we had the best time just exploring this river area with beautiful landscaping, and then wandering to a boutique little ice cream shop down the road.

It was one of those great days of accidental exploration.

But it got me thinking about intentional exploration, and how I’d like to have one day a week where we go and do something major, this summer.

And I think Tuesdays are going to be our day.

So far, on my list, I’ve got...

Sea World
Sea World Aquatica (really deserves its own day)
DoSeum (a hands-on kids’ museum, here in town)
Horseback riding (Chicklet requested this one)
Fiesta Texas

I know there are tons of other places for big fun, but I’m starting with the known, and we’ll go from there. I really hope I can get my kiddos hilariously hyped up about Tuesdays, hehe.

Birthday Fun

This one’s also kind of of a no-brainer, but Chica’s 7th bday (SEVENTH!) is coming up in a couple of weeks, and I hope we can do it up right! Celebratory occasions are my jam. And for that matter, we’ve got Father’s Day fun to plan, as well!

Crafting Craziness

Last summer, one of our super-fun activities was Chica’s Summer Art Challenge. It was a list of nearly 30 projects/activities/excursions that we could complete and turn in at the start of the school year for prizes.

We really lived it up and let it shape our summer project life, but I don’t think our new school has anything like it. So...we’re gonna have to get crafty. (Pun wildly intended).

I’m thinking one designated day each week where we do something overly complicated or messy that I’ve been avoiding. Think: homemade slime, ha.

Regardless of our small or large project aspirations, I just want them to get back into the mix of our lives on a more regular basis! The kiddos really thrive on them, and we haven’t been able to do nearly enough in the past couple of months! We need to see more of this.

Side note—I’m also thinking of adding a couple of fun cooking projects to our summer list, so we’ll see how that goes, ha.


I mean, this should really have been at the top of the summer list, but it sort of goes without saying that I really REALLY want a completed kitchen this summer. 

We’re a week or so away from kitchen cabinet doors—finally! I mean, they were delivered to the house on Friday:

But it will be about another week or so before the crew will come install.

Either’s hoping we can get this kitchen done and 120% functional—stat!

Additionally, I have some summer landscaping goals (nothin’ major, just continuing projects I’ve begun, to revive the property). I purchased these plants a month ago, they promptly died out before I could even plant them, I got mad, I cut them back, and look! Thriving again (I hope). Let’s take that as a summer sign. ;)


And, lastly...we’ve got a couple summer travel plans!

Although we were majorly bummed not to make another Wisconsin trip to see Uncles again (last year’s was glorious), it was scrapped in favor of something super fun, as well. An Atlanta trip with a lake excursion tacked onto it, that will require its own major post, by way of explanation! So, stay tuned.

And the kiddos and I will make a grandparent trip to Tulsa in late July/early August.

If we could make it to an actual beach nearby at some point this summer, it would be a fantastic bonus. But, if not, I think we’re still full, full, full of lots o’ things to look forward to!

REALLY ready for a change of pace with my crazy nuggets—and hopefully a bit more mental and emotionally recuperation from this insane past few months.

Summer Fun...heeeeeere we come!

P.S. If Mama could work in a bit of exercise this Summer, it would be weep-inducing. This morning, it was comical just trying to stretch my back. Within 30 seconds, I had two children pounced on me and alternating shoving my limbs in places they should not go.

But on the plus side...Chicklet was a wildly adorable stretching instructor. ;)

Over and out.

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