Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Tuesday DO-Day: Doseum!

So...yesterday, Mama was in such a fog—like an ever-lovin’, all day fog—that it felt like I’d been hit by a tranquilizer dart. And one of those big ones meant for horses, not people.

It was bad. Baaaaaad, I tell ya.

Until I figured out (around 4 p.m., mind you; it was suuuuper hard to think through that fog) that I’d been drugged. Literally.

Despite the antibiotics helping out the sinus infection, this viral plague is still hanging around, and the coughing is so incessant at night, that the hubby kindly “requested” I take my prescription cough medicine that is basically like a muscle relaxer for the throat. But instead, it just basically just KNOCKED. ME. OUT. Like, “goodbye, George, we’ll see you next Thursday.”

Anywho. We were so lucky it was a gloriously thunderstorm-y day, the kiddos and I were content to hang around the house for the most part, and we survived.

But today, it was time to thrive.

So we proceeded with our plans for our next Tuesday DO-Day adventure to...the Doseum!

Basically, like a hands-on, science-centric museum that I’ve heard about from multiple people, and Chica heard about at school. So...another thing on our summer bucket list!

The headlines:
  1. We had a blast.
  2. It was totally worth the trek out there.
  3. It was likely a bit too much, too soon after being sick, ha. It used up allllll my reserve energy.
But here...just look at the happy faces!

And then wish me a better night’s sleep. :)

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