Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Our Alamo Visit

So...I can’t believe it’s already been nearly a week since this little family excursion of ours, but I guess I’ve been diverted with other posting and almost forgot to share!

But I’d hate to do that because not only was our little excursion to an important historical site, but it was also pretty much the last thing on Chica’s summer bucket list that she drafted at the end of the school year.

(Side note: how are we on the downhill slide to August?!).

But, now, without further delay, we went to...

I think Chica’s interest came from some discussion at school, as well as a previous visit to downtown SA that took us nearby The Alamo, but without any time for a stop that day.

So without much to do last weekend, and the hubby off work Friday afternoon, we decided to make a little event of the whole shebang by taking the kiddos to The Rainforest Cafe at the Riverwalk (another thing they’ve really been wanting to do), and then walk around the corner to The Alamo.

And though it was crazy hot (hello, July in Texas), it was a really nice day to not be rushing against a schedule and just take our time doing our thing. 

Now, of course, this was all a lovely excursion, but it has to be said that even though we were happy to be there at Chica’s request, it was a bit, shall we say...anticlimactic. For Chica, in particular. Because she wanted to learn more about The Alamo, and she was a bit upset that there wasn’t anyone there to teach her. Oye.

In retrospect (or perhaps as a learning moment for future historic site visits or museum-type places),  it might be helpful to plan in advance ways to take guided tours or listen to audio tours, or perhaps plan better as a parent by reading up a bit on things.

So...future goals, amiright??

And now, lastly...some superheroes we ran into on our way to the car, hehe.


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