Sunday, July 14, 2019

So Long, Sofia

Oh my heavens, peeps.

We had such a full-circle, major—and kind of unexpectedly emotional (for me, at least, ha)event yesterday, in an otherwise low-key family weekend.

Long and short...there is a particular Disney television show that has been near and dear to our hearts since Chica was a wee wee baby.

We all know and love this loyal and spunky Princess, and of all the lovely Disney shows we have had or currently do have in our rotation, this one will always be the most special to me, because it was our first.

It launched shortly after Chica was born, and I’ve read that the ratings for the premiere were the highest of any Disney show at the time.

And though it had four, super-fun and entertaining official seasons, over the span of six or so years, unbeknownst to me, the final episode aired last fall, just before all of our life craziness really hit.

And sadly, at the time, we didn’t even catch that episode—it was actually kind of a movie event—and I had no idea it had come and gone until last week, when I happened to check on new episodes that typically air during the summer.

Man oh man is it crazy to think back on how long we’ve loved and enjoyed this show.

I’ve read that it’s just standard for Disney to rotate out their shows every five years or so—and that’s totally understandable, considering their target audience “ages out” that quickly, and I’m sure there’s a general method to the madness of a constant rotational launch of new shows for tiny tots to connect with.

But, still.

It was a bit bittersweet for me to see the end of this—especially at a time that has brought so much life change, and as I’m staring down the barrel of my youngest baby starting preschool next month. (Gahhhhh, don’t even get me started!).

I mean...I can’t even begin to tell you how many wonderful wonderful life and parenting memories I have that are connected with this show.

I still sing some of the show’s songs to the kiddos at bedtime.

I used to center little life lessons around tidbits in the episodes that the girlies could understand (“don’t touch those berries, or it will make you itch like Baileywick when he touched the meddlesome myrtle.”).

And the dress-up gear...I can’t even! First princess dress ever in the house.

I mean, here’s Chica at barely more than a year old (in our first house, no less!), viewing for one of the very first times. I remember thinking how incredible it was that she would sit and watch for five or ten minutes. :)

We went to Kohl’s that week and bought a Sofia book with a magic wand and she carted it everywhere (until years later, when Chicklet carted it everywhere).

And by a couple months later, she actually had a favorite episode or two. (Ahhh...Good Little Witch and Buttercups, how we loved thee.)

For her second Christmas ever, when she was about 18 months old, Santa gifted her this Sofia dress. And she actually didn’t decide to wear it until Springtime—but that’s when we began a full two-year phase of her wearing nothing but princess dresses. :)

Sofia play earrings. Her first ever on her little ears. (And that FACE and the SMOOSHINESS. I DIIIIIE.) 

And, look! A day came when their were two little heads down there on the floor, adoring Sofia. :) Chicklet was such a devoted little watcher—at an even earlier age than Chica, she had the tolerance to sit and pay attention. It was so stinking adorable. 

I mean, truly so much joy we’ve received from this show.

And what a special thing it was to pull up the final episode (that was about an hour in total) and cuddle up on the couch as a family and enjoy. :)

Gahhhh!! Could Chica look any older in this pic???

Ironically, I think this ending might actually spark a nostalgic rewatching within the household. Because Chicklet was young enough for a few seasons that I don’t know that she remembers a ton—nor does Little Man. So I might pull up some of our favorites and take a walk down memory lane when we need a diversion.

Sofia...we’re so grateful for the curiosity and the shenanigans and the life lessons.

And the songs. Oh, the songs.

So many happy memories to live on.

And so many episodes to greet like old friends when we need a little fix. long for now, but not for good. :)

Over and out.

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