Monday, July 22, 2019

A Little Summer Magic

Okay, m’peeps.

What we’ve been going through the last few days has so not been magical.

BUT...Chica and I have been doing something that is most definitely magical—for weeks and weeks, now!




(Cue trumpets and major applause). all started back in May when Chica’s reading level reports came home from school, and she was shown to be doing so well.

She’s an avid reader, and I was so proud, and also, proactively churning my wheels for something we could do this summer to challenge and entertain her—and, of course, keep her from losing all that she’s gained!


Anybody who knows me knows that I’m a massive reader and lover of books, and, also, a massive lover of Harry (how could you not be, if you love books???).

Anywho...I’ve long wondered the appropriate age for launching into the first one—The Sorcerer’s Stone—and then a little discovery at Tarjay one day (hehe, I rhymed) gave me my answer.

Within the last couple of years, they’ve released these amazing versions of the full novels—well, at least the first three in the series, that I can confirm, thus far.

They’re full, non-abridged editions, larger than your average children’s hardback book, and they include gorgeous, detailed illustrations every few pages.

(This is the second book in the series, since the first was in Chica’s room while she was sleeping when I took these, ha.)

Helloooooo, magic in an accessible format!

(With a lovely built-in bookmark to add to the sophisticated feel.)

It’s just so perfect because it forces some growth in terms of non-illustrated pages that require her to read and only imagine, but includes these fun illustrations every so often. Win/win!

Of course, when I committed to this for the summer, I didn’t realize quite how intensive it would feel to be locked in to putting her to bed every, single night (the hubby and I routinely rotate amongst the kiddos so they get a fair share of us). So there have been some (few and far between) evenings where I think—oye, this was a lot to sign on for, as I don’t want to miss out with my other babies, so my share of the whole bedtime routine has been a bit heavier for the summer.


There is nothing, nothing, nothing like watching your child sound out “Voldemort” for the first time. Or meet Hermione Granger. Or discover Quidditch and the true magic and mystery of Diagon Alley and selecting your own wand (or having it select you). ;)

I’s just amazing.

We typically alternate with Chica reading a paragraph, and then me reading a few, and it’s just been really fun. She loves having this be her special one-on-one thing, and routinely spells our “H-A-R-R-Y?” at bathtime as her covert way of making sure we’re reading that night, ha. And, she keeps it tucked under her upholstered bed frame during the day, hehe.

We’re slightly more than halfway through the book (it’s just shy of 250 large, text-dense pages), so only time will tell if we complete it before the official close of summer, or if it takes us just a bit longer. And we’ve promised a viewing party of the movie after she’s done, which she’s pumped about.

Seriously, the only thing that could make this a better milestone is if I could read it with all three of my kiddos simultaneously. 

Alas, they’re just not all ready for it, yet, and I’d hate to hold Chica back.’s to doing this another summer with another kiddo. :)

Long live READING.

If there’s one major joy I could pass onto my babies, that’s IT.

Over and out.

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