Sunday, July 28, 2019

Tulsa Aquarium Day

So...we made it to Tulsa on Friday, and wasted no time heading to one of our favorite haunts on Saturday, ha.

Despite my own tiny fears of repetitiveness, it’s awesomesauce that no matter how many times we’ve been, the aquarium is always a major hit when we visit grandparents. :)

Even more awesomesauce—we were smart enough to buy a season pass some time ago, so it’s a freebie activity. Except for the hefty gift shop visit that we can’t manage to bypass. ;)

This time, the new outdoor playground was open, and it was a major bit of fun for Little Man, in particular. 

Poor Chica and Chicklet both snagged their arms in nearly the same spot due to something inside one of the slides, oye. So they spent the entire visit cradling their arms in makeshift “casts.”

Don’t they look so bothered and over it in this pic? Ha. The heat will get the best of them!

This giant sea turtle dude was my fave this visit. I’ve never seen him in action, and he was up close and personal, super interactive, and even splashing peeps on purpose, ha.

We must have done something right, because after the aquarium, some delicious grub at my very favorite Thai place in the world, and then a round at Target, all three were zonked.


Let the family fun keep on keepin’ on.

Over and out. 

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