Thursday, August 22, 2019

A New Dance World

Ho-ly. Heavens

If I’ve been a little slow to post this week, it’s because I’ve been deep in the weeds of first week of school madness!

I mean, holy cow, is it a jolt to get back in to the routine—no matter how much you prepare, no matter how organized you are. It’s just bracing for impact, as one of my friends so accurately described it.

Tomorrow, I’ll share more about our first full week and how the girlies are handling everything (spoiler alert: lots of positive beginnings!), but for tonight, I wanted to share another milestone that we actually marked on Monday:

Our first dance class(es) at the new studio we found!

(Another spoiler alert: really positive beginnings!)

So...long and short: the girlies—one, the other, and/or both—have been involved in dance classes of some variety for four years now (crazy, right??). And it was such a lovely activity in Dallas for many reasons, but namely: the happy, physical activity, and the major socialization for both the girlies and the Mamas.

I mean, our first real play date ever was with dance class friends, and for two out of the four years, we had not just good relationships within the class, but really great ones. Some that set the standard for what I always hope for in relatable, compassionate and fun Mama friends. :)

Unfortunately, when we moved to SA in late March, it was far too late in the season to dive in to any class, as recital costumes are ordered months prior to that, and we would have been way behind the curve.

But I really wanted to find a new studio that would be a happy one to kick off a new school year. 

And, man, do I seem to have hit the jackpot!

I happened upon this studio because it’s close to many things: our public library, the kiddos’ dentist, our favorite donut shop, and...Little Man’s soon-to-be preschool! So the location was great.

And then the initial contact was great, because the studio manager was so on it, we managed to snag spots (this place appears to be very popular, and they seem to cap the class size for young kiddos at ten students), and best of all, Chica and Chicklet’s classes happen on the same day at the same time, in different rooms!

I mean...can I get an Amen, for extracurricular activity efficiency?!

Now, at first I was slightly concerned because their classes were set for Monday, immediately after school. And I thought: geez louise, it’s going to be the longest first Monday of school ever!

And, sure, it was a little crazy with so much going on that day, but the kiddos hopped in the car after their first day with giant smiles on their faces, so at least they weren’t in meltdown mode yet, ha.

And they seemed genuinely pumped to go to their danc classes—complete with new little puffy-backpacks for their dance gear. :)

I have to say...I was pleasantly blown away by the efficiency and the size of the studio! There are three studios inside, with three classes happening simultaneously. And things were so organized! Lots of information was delivered to us parents, and there is ample viewing space (through one-way glass) for all the parents and siblings hanging around to watch.

But best of was the first time I’d really seen my girlies’ in a dance class situation that felt a bit more structured and focused on snipets of technique that will serve them well, should they stay interested in dance.

Fun fact I probably don’t ever mention, even when talking about my girlies and their dance classes: I was a ballerina in my youth. And I don’t say that lightly like: oh, I took classes as a kid. 

Nope, I was on a professional ballet track for years. I was a six-day-a-week student of dance. And for my later teenage years, I was an apprentice with The Tulsa Ballet. I was one of five or six young ballerinas chosen yearly, citywide, through an audition process, to understudy the corp de ballet members and step in at times of need, due to either injury or performance needs.

I ocassionaly toured to other cities with the ballet. I spent the months of about October through April going straight from school, to sometimes work, and then straight to dance class, and then to Tulsa Ballet rehearsals (sometimes in a different order). But as you can was all-consuming for me, by choice. Someday, I’ll maybe type up a more detailed post just for kicks and giggles, since so few people in my life currently know about any of that in my past. 

But...I digress, other than to say that I know dance. But I don’t usually tell people—especially dance studio peeps—that I know dance. But it was clear to me that at the girlies’ previous studio, there was little emphasis on technique but wonderful emphasis on the joy of movement. Which was so great for them at the time.

Here, however, it appears we might achieve both. And that makes this Mama’s heart very happy, knowing I’m giving my kiddos the best shot of exposure to something they might like to continue, and continue in a positive environment.  the cherry on top of the Sunday to our very long but positive Monday: donuts! Right around the corner at the place we lurv.

So...I’m summary:

Great new dance studio.

If a weekday has to be overly long, I’m glad it’s a Monday.

Lots of Mamas to hopefully get to know further.



Over and out. :)

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