Thursday, August 15, 2019

Back-To-School Night—2019!

Oh. My. Heavens.

The time has really come.

New school year...we’ve got this!

Honestly, there have been a whole lotta emotions ‘round our casa regarding the start of school.

About a month ago, Chicklet was bothered enough by my casual, let’s-get-mentally-prepped-for-school mentions that she asked me to let’s just not to talk about it, haSo I stopped. (Well, within reason. Complete avoidance never helped anybody!)

But more surprisingly, my Chica—who was a rockstar, let’s-dive-right-in champ when we moved at the most inopportune time towards the end of the school year—has been having even greater anxiety.

Beginning a couple weeks ago, there have been steady tears, conversations, meltdowns, and even troubled sleep, leading up to the school year. For sure, the greatest amount of anxiety she’s ever shown, and I feel so badly for my girl, as I know it’s simply a delayed reaction to the move, and a natural response to having so much quality parent and sibling bubble time this summer.

Alas...the school year must go on! With as much positivity as possible. So we’ve been really trying to emphasize all the great things about the Fall and new school beginnings, and I think (I hope, I hope) we’re steering these babies’ minds into happier territory. 

And tonight definitely helped (again—I hope!).

Back to school night is always happy, chaotic, overwhelming and fun—and how crazy tonight to have two kiddos classes to visit within the same school!

I seriously can’t believe that my beloved seconborn is starting kindergarten. I mean..hellooooo, waterworks! It’s just as hard the second go-‘round!

But...I’m thrilled to report that she’s been much livelier when it comes to school talk this week, and she was pumped to go to school tonight. So much that she was disappointed it wasn’t a school day, ha. So maybe our avoidance for the past month has paid off. ;)

And, better still—her classroom was so welcoming, and her teacher—gah! Pretty much the sweetest, loveliest, warmest, first-impression teacher ever

I mean, look at my girlies’ smile!

I’m so grateful for such a happy first exposure for my Chicklet. She seemed so eager—and I attacked (not really, but kinda) another little girl in the class so I could make an introduction and try to give Chicklet one familiar face/name come Monday. 

And on the Chica front...another positive impression (after a hilarious mix-up of classrooms, because two of the teachers have nearly-identical names, ha)!

Though we didn’t have as much time to linger in her classroom (we were wearing down after so many stops for school spullies, PTA sign-ups, spirit fear, etc., etc.) it was also a happy, light-filled place, the teacher seemed so lovely, and Chica recognized the name of at least one or two classmates, from looking at the seating charts. Woohoo!’s to positive first impressions that will hopefully lesson some of this anxiety, already! Sometimes, just having a visual of the new environment helps.

And I know that I was pretty pumped to be going through the process from the beginning, instead of joining in at the tail end of the school year. Fresh starts, positive vibes and beginnings.

New school we come! (Complete with hilarious Chicklet I’m-done-posing-for-pictures smiles). :)

Side note: Little Man was a trooper tonight—if a little sad that it wasn’t his time for elementary, yet. Don’t worry, buddy. You’ll get there! (Not too soon, please, please, please.)

Happy Almost Friday (see, we finally made it to Thursday), peeps!

Over and out. 

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