Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Our SA Master Bedroom!

Okay, m’peeps.

We’re doing so much better, collectively, ‘round our casa today!

Partly because we’ve had an in-day of marathon The Lion Guard (a very exciting sneaky, third season that we’ve somehow been able to binge-watch!). Partly because everyone is in a slightly better mood. And partly, well, by force of will and positive thinking! Ha.

And speaking of positive thinking...I was texting with a girlfriend of mine this morning from my old advertising life in Dallas, and she wanted pics of the new house.

So I sent her some before/after of a few areas that I’ve catalogued, and it got me thinking: a) man, I should be so grateful about all the work we’ve done around here; sometimes I forget just how much has changed, and b) what other areas have not been catalogued??

So...today I’m going to try to post some pics before the kiddos’ quiet time is over. Wish me luck!

Let’s start with the master bedroom! It’s the last of the new casa’s bedrooms that I haven’t shared, and for some reason, I kept putting it off for little nitpics here or there (I’ve got planters but no plants, I still haven’t purchased the faceted mirrors for the nightstands, blah, blah, blah). But...those aren’t important. You’ll get the gist. 

Heeeere you go!

This lovely house of ours had very non-cohesive flooring throughout, prior to move-in (which isn’t at all unusual or strange).

Tile, hardwood, a mix-and-match...it sort of drove my uniform brain crazy. And don’t even get me started on the mismatched baseboards! Oye.

But the master was actually one area that had slightly newer hardwood floors...that we had to replace for the sake of uniformity (have I mentioned my particular tendencies??? Ha.). Hilariously, it’s hard to tell the tone difference in these pics, but it was pretty vast. And the orientation of the wood planks changed, as well.

And, the other major punch of difference in this room: the wall color! Ha.

In previous master bedrooms of ours, we’d always skewed towards a blue/grey color for the walls. But the hubby wanted a change-up, and I was too weary to put up a fight.

But, halleluiah, did his request work out in our favor. Due to tricky lightling, you can’t truly get the perfect, 100% accurate shade from these pics, but it’s just the most gorgeous aqua/teal. Really saturated and lovely.

Oh—and the ceiling! The wall color looks so great with the gorgeous ceiling! 

So...one sort of angsty decision for me that I debated for some time: the art work on the walls! The three lovey canvas portraits you see are my “ladies” that I adore, that hung three in a row on the upstairs landing in our old house. 

These are truly my three favorite pieces of artwork that we own, and it actually hurt me to put them in the master because I felt like nobody would get to see them anymore. :(


I just had to get over that, because they are perfection in this room. Like, could not coordinate better with the color scheme and vibe if we tried, so...I just enjoy having the ladies in a room that we spend so much (albeit, sleeping) time in. And that’s, that!

Also—look at my sad, empty planters. I had a fig in one that just didn’t love the lighting in the room, so I’m sort of back to square one, trying to decide on real or fake. I’m really trying to keep live things in this house, and my living room figs are so happy, so...we’ll see.

And...as I mentioned, I have these great mirrors picked out for above the nightstands, I’m just waiting to pluck some money off that tree where it grows in the back yard, but it’s sort of withered at the moment. ;)

And...lastly, lastly—these canvas prints above the bed are actually destined for the piano room as soon as things are super settled in there. But for one hot second, we thought they might live permanently in the master, and just decided to keep them up and safely out of the way until relocation (and different prints to replace them) can be completed. 

So...here you have it! A much more saturated and a slightly more glam—compared to our cool tones/slightly beachy former master bedroom—space for our SA lives.

Just like every other room of the house, it’s all come together with a nice cohesive theme, and we dig it. :)

Over and out.

P.S. If the kiddos stay suspiciously quiet upstairs, I might be able to handle one more post!

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