Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Smarty Pants (In The Best Way)

So...yeah, sure, okay, we managed to keep Chica’s reading level top notch this summer with our Harry Potter fun, but I sort of fell down on the job with mathematics, oye.

And, yeah, sure, okay, the height of my crazy trio’s verbal sophistication this summer generally involved some shenanigans along the lines of...poopy pants, potty diaper, stinky head—or any and all combinations of those or similar words.

So imagine my tickled delight when Chica reported in on a school day frustration this evening, shortly before bed time, and it went something like this (and this is pretty much verbatim, as it delighted me so much that I typed it up immediately thereafter, haha):

So we were using synergy at our desks with the people at my table, and we were supposed to pick a shape, but I wanted a quadrilateral—you know, four sides and four vertices (the corners, you know?)—and they wanted to do a hexagon.


My girl sounded much wiser than when I sent her to school last week. :)

Ahhhh, the young, spongey mind.

For anyone who needs a translation: they were working together in groups and needed to reach a consensus regarding a shape. She very badly wanted that fancy pants quadrilateral and was highly disappointed with the hexagon, and just couldn’t convince them otherwise, ha.

So we had a long talk about the “challenges” of working in groups, and methods for channeling frustration into positives.

Learning moments, peeps. They are coming at me from all angles, this week (Get it? Angles? Tehe.) Lot o’ life lessons needing discussion amongst all my babies, of late.

Is it Friday yet???

Over and out.

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