Wednesday, September 11, 2019

A Change of Weather

Oh my heavens, peeps.

This morning, we had a thunderstorm.

Like, a true, lightning and thunder, pouring rain event that even caused a brief power outage.

And, holy cow, did I need it.

Like, NEED IT, without even realizing it.

Until we had this glorious change of pace, I hadn’t realized how oppressing its been to trudge through these dog days of Summer—and I’m sure it hasn’t helped things to be in this monotonous cycle of outdoor yardwork and painting that felt endless, as well.

But today, with a change of any kind (even one that brought glorious gloominess!), I felt weirdly uplifted. 

And reassured that eventually—eventually, please, please, puh-lease—a season change will be coming.

And could my Iron Spider-Man on a trip to Target be any cuter???

Over and out.

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