Saturday, September 28, 2019

Little Man’s 4th Birthday!

Holy, I-CAN’T-BELIEVE-IT goodness.

My boy. My baby boy. The last of the children that I birthed from my womb (overdramatic, but true) is FOUR YEARS OLD.

I mean...HOW did this happen???

Superhero pose.

And now, Zoolander pose, tehe.

I mean, he might as well be sixteen and driving, because he’s a giant and so smart and such a riot and so stubbornly independent, but still so snuggly and glorious and joyful and I just love this kid an insane amount. :)

I’m relieved to report that his birthday arrived with only a few tears from this nostalgic Mama. Likely because we faked it and pretended his birthday was on Saturday, when really, it passed on Thursday, because we wanted to have some time all together in the morning to celebrate with the decorations and obnoxiousness, ha.

And, hilariously, despite his year-long love of all things superheroes and Avengers, he called and audible and asked for a Star Wars birthday two weeks ago, due to what might be a fleeting love of light sabers, ha.

But who am I to turn down the thing that makes his heart happy??? So Star Wars decor it was. With lots o’ superhero presents, ha.

Oh—and this awesomesauce monster birthday cake that was equal parts icing and cake, and just the cutest thing ever, ha.

Heeeeere were the decorations when we set them up on Friday night. Heinous lighting, so just pretend you can see everything and that it looks glorious, m’kay??

And heeeeeere’s our boy, racing off to the dining room as soon as we set him free on Saturday morning :) :)

The present that garnered the biggest reaction was this intricate (604 pieces; Mama is insane) LEGO set that involves Spider-Man and Venom. He’d been drooling over it in the Target aisles for weeks, and even though it’s been a hilarious pain to start assembling it, the joy is so worth it. 


One thing that I adore about my kiddos’ birthday celebrations is that I’ve tried for some time now to make siblings feel quite included. Which has led each kiddo on their special day to (moderately) think of their siblings—and even go so far as to request presents for them, ha.

This go ‘round, Little Man requested Spider-Girl toys for his sissies, and I went for the costumes, as I thought they’d get the most love. :)

I mean...awesomesauce.

Another of Little Man’s fun presents was a set of Avengers action figures that has been a hit for the whole trio. 

Oh—and this is a bonus shot of my boy from his actual birthday that he got to celebrate at school with his class (and the pumpkin cookies he selected to share). :)

Love, love, LOVE my cutie pie and fully expect the reality of his age to hit me sometime this week when things might slow down. But I shall attempt to handle it like a champ. (Or drown my sorrows in chocolate).

Happy Sunday, peeps.

More catch-up soon!

Over and out.

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