Monday, September 23, 2019

Our Fall Groove




Today, was the first day of Fall (Amen, halleluiah!).

And though it’s still a holy inferno of never-ending heat, I feel as though we’re finally getting in our school year groove.

(And now, I must remember for the future that the Fall Equinox is our light at the end of the immersion tunnel. If we can get here, the worst of the settling in might be behind us!)

Soccer was easier and less chaotic this week...

Dance class with donuts afterwards is totally routine at this point (if, admittedly, our longest weekday, since we head there immediately following school. But, hey, at least it’s on Monday, so if we make it through that, we’re good to go.).

The kiddos are now not only enjoying but apparently looking forward to their “kids’ church” time—and it’s a win/win, because Daddy and I get to absorb and really focus on some wonderful sermons. (And, yes, Little Man was Batman for church. I lost the let’s-dress-up battle.)

And...another major thing that’s helped us feel a bit more settled and in the groove—Halloween decorating! We are full-on decked out indoors and having some silly fun with it. It’s just such a wonderful way to mark the passing of time and the hope that some cooler weather will some point, ha.

Oh, and because we seem to have busier and busier (if routine) days as time trucks along, I’m totally and completely fine with a little electronics unwinding time and home after school. My sweet Chicklet practically weeps for joy sometimes when she realizes the gets to zone out. Busy days really challenge and sometimes overstimulate those tiny minds! They need their own version of “me” time—even if it’s as simple as getting to select their own cartoon.

Looking forward to another Fall milestone of the school book fair this week, and Little Man’s birthday festivities, too. And Chica even has her 2nd grade field trip coming up.

Overall, it’s just been nice to kick off a new school year from the get-go, instead of dive in at the tail end, like we had to after the move.

And now, sometime soon, I’ll wax poetic about all the challenges we still face with all this chaotic school year craziness. ‘Cause let’s be real: it’s a mixed bag, ha.

Happy Monday, peeps!

Over and out.

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