Friday, October 25, 2019

A Weird Week

Okay, m’peeps.

It’s finally Friday night, and I’m officially throwing in the towel and admitting that this week has been totally subpar. 

First culprit: sleep, or lack thereof.

So this is me—in a pic Little Man wanted to take at lunch—looking just about as whipped as I feel. My eyes are so puffy and barely open.

Because I got about three, long (ahem, sarcasm alert) hours of sleep last night, due to a heinous storm that raged from about 6 p.m. to 4 a.m., and though I’m generally a fan of a good thunderstorm, this was beyond.

Our house is hilariously situated without much of a buffer on three sides, and when the wind gets a-goin’, just hold on, ‘cause it’s intense.

I mean, I had the hubby wandering around at 2:30 a.m. trying to trace the thud, thud, thud that was driving me out of my ever-loving mind (apparently, our satellite dish was unhinged a bit and banging against the roof; I’m sure that’s a super safe situation), and that was probably my calmest moment of the past 24 hours.

Aaaaaand, unfortunately, not much in the way of quality sleep has been had any night this week, storms notwithstanding, so Mama’s been a little unhinged.

Sleep—or the lack thereof—is the root of all evil.

P.S. Please enjoy this pic of the hubby, home early enough today to join in on the school pick-up run...where he fell promptly asleep while parked and waiting on the final bell and the movement of the carpool pickup line.

Next up: sick tummy ick.

Not gonna lie—it totally threw my week off to have poor Chica home sick from school for two days, and definitely didn’t help things when I received some of her germs to a lesser degree. Boooooo, for sick ick.

And lastly, on the “off” week front—the kiddos had early release (noon, or shortly thereafter) from school on Wednesday and Thursday, and talk about just totally cutting up your days. Oye.

Apparently, this is how they allow time for parent/teacher conferences down here, so those were thrown in for extra scheduled fun yesterday afternoon, and...all in all, it was just an OFF WEEK.

So...I’m just bidding it one heck of a BUH-BYE, and we’re going to try to cleanse our moods and reset this weekend with some fun and hopefully, some Fall weather!

Wish us luck—and better moods. ;)


Over and out. 

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