Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Flying By The Seat Of Our Pants!

Okay, m’peeps.

Here’s the deal.

More than a year ago, after our glorious June trip to Wisconsin to see the uncles, we made grand plans to return—and soon. Perhaps even to make it an annual thing, if we were so fortunate. 

Alas, due to our heinous move and financial hemorrhaging (I kid, but only a little), we couldn’t make it happen this summer. Which all worked out for the best when the whole extended-family, HOTLANTA thing popped up. 


We couldn’t shake the massive hope of returning to Wisconsin, so we aimed for Fall Break instead.

And still, couldn’t make it happen. :(

Really pricey airfare coupled with tricky scheduling on our part and older bro’s part just made the whole thing impossible. And we finally had to relinquish the dream.

Deep sigh.

So...this relinquish-the-dream scenario happened officially about a week ago.

But the hubby and I still couldn’t get over the thought of trying to make a family adventure happen over Fall Break. Preferably, somewhere with actual, bonafide Fall temperatures, if life could be so blessed.

Oh, and on a teeny, tiny budget, considering we just had another leak in the house (and, consequently, another hole cut into the ceiling), a water bill that was so astronomical it might as well have been a mortgage payment (more on that another day), and lots of other death-by-a-thousand-cuts budget line items that are boring and depressing.


Cheap trip.

Family fun.

Live it up.

In some Fall weather.

Too much to ask????

Ha. For sure, the answer is yes. And yet—we made it happen!

I can’t even believe our good fortune to land airfare for our family of five, all for the price that one ticket to Wisconsin would have set us back. I mean...Amen, Halleluiah! Add to that a great hotel find, and...we’re off!

Our crew is all in, with bells and whistles, for a spur-of-the-moment family trip to COLORADO! Tomorrow!

I mean, funerals and business trips notwithstanding, this is hands down the most last-minute we have ever planned travel.

We booked the airfare on Thursday, broke the news to the kiddos on Friday, gathered up the necessary supplies over the last few days, and, boom! Suitcases are mostly packed.

And can I just tell you how stinking pumped our babies are to be going to some mountains in some colder air??? Little Man has been bundling up for days now, and could he be any cuter??? I’m surprised we could get them to bed tonight.

Of course, when we booked the airfare, all looked glorious with high temps in the very low 70’s and lows in the 50’s. And then...things changed and now snow is expected while we’re there, ha. Talk about a shock from the 95 degrees we had today!

But...that’s exactly the point!

To get all shook up and change the routine for just a couple days. :)

Feeling super pumped about some concentrated, quality (I hope, I hope, I hope!) family time.

I realized yesterday that we officially closed out the first nine weeks of school and are therefore one quarter of the way through the year, already! And when we return from this little jaunt, it will be two weeks to Halloween!

Time flies faster and faster with these kiddos all in school and the activities and schedules mounting. Taking the time for some memory-making is just heaven. And, of course, I know the memories can come anywhere. No need to leave home. But, boy, are we excited to get out of dodge for a bit. :)

In related news...Little Man was my rockstar shopping buddy, making our breakfast out and Wally-World supply-gathering a riot yesterday. :)

And, woohoo, for $19 coat finds! 

Ready, set...HERE WE GO!

Okay, more mañana!

Happy Tuesday, peeps!

Over and out.

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