Saturday, October 5, 2019

My Hot Mess Halloween Crew!

So...remember those glorious, my-kiddos-are-tiny-and-malleable years when you can select a family Halloween theme and really do it up right with some cohesiveness???

Like...the year we went with Peter Pan.

Or the year we were all animals.

Or the year of the dragon, when all three of my babes were gloriously fire-breathing.


I guess I should be ridiculously happy I got three epic, themed years, because for the last couple, we’ve gone hilariously off the rails.

And after last night’s impromptu family visit to Tar-jay, when all three of my babies actually made costume decisions (Woohoo! So unexpected!), I give you...

Wonder-Woman, Blue Power Ranger, and..Hot Dog.


I mean...could they be a more riotous crew???

I seriously die.

And the shopping excursion was loud and animated and hysterical, and there are pretty much no words to describe the hilarity of watching the hubby chase Chicklet decked out as a wiener, running through the aisles, bahahaha.

Seriously, the best.


Prior to this excursion (and we so did not go for costumes; we were there for melatonin...that we forgot), we’d loosely discussed costume ideas, but nobody was really sticking with one thing—except, perhaps, Chica, who’d been zoning in on Wonder-Woman.

So when she saw a costume that made her heart happy and they had it in her size, we pulled the trigger stat. Because anybody who has ever been around to witness Chica during one of her shopping indecision episodes...I mean, nobody wants to get stuck in that vortex.


(Also, should I be worried that the accessory she’s most excited about is the gold whip??? Perhaps I’ll avoid digging in to that on a psychological level, baha.)

Next up...Blue Power Ranger (which he was totally pumped about, despite knowing very little about Power Rangers as a whole, ha.)

No matter. He made a decision? SOLD!

And lastly—although she was actually the first to fall madly in love with a costume—I give you Chicklet, The Hot Dog. 


I mean, as I was strolling through the costume section, I actually pulled it out thinking it would be a total riot, but she’d never go for it. But who knew she’d be totally and completely all over it??

And upon further review, as I watched her interact with us and other costumers in the store, it really made a lot of sense to me.

Because my girl, my boisterous, awesomesauce middle child actually told me that she loved the costume because people would laugh at her (and she meant that in the most excited way!)

She was beaming with pride as she totally entertained the entire store. Every person she passed was totally enchanted, and Chicklet was lit up like a light bulb, adorably telling me about each person who passed that laughed or smiled or loved her costume. I mean, she just ate it up (I’m sure there’s a pun somewhere in there), and it made me soooo happy that she was so happy about it. :)

A little insight into this little nugget I love so much—who might just have a bunch of her Daddy’s goofball in her. :)

I’m seriously just tickled by how this all went down, so unexpectedly—and with Daddy in tow for the fun, no less! A real treat to suit up all together—and with in-store finds versus purchasing online (which we love, as well) this year.

A fantastically fun Friday night, for sure. And now I can stop worrying we’ve got to get a move on, ha. I mean, we have purchased our costumes as early as August past few years. ;)

Love these nutty nuggets like mad

Now, I can’t wait to see how Daddy and I are going to round out this motley costume crew, ha. But I’m sure it will be entertaining at the very least. :)

In other Halloween-y news: we painted pumpkins on Thursday, and it was such a lovely after-school little project. No angst, just happy kiddos.

I have high hopes of finally cleaning out and organizing the mass chaos that is our craft closet (one of the final frontiers that’s still not settled, post-move) tomorrow.

And then I really hope to dig in to more Halloween crafts in the next week or two. Because the days will go by faster that we realize—like always! Gotta live it up and soak it in. These are sooooo the golden years, m’peeps. 

Happy October Saturday!

Over and out. 

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