Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Our First Jack-O-Lantern!

Okay, peeps. We managed to pull of something totally spectacular this afternoon (at least for us).

We finally carved a jack-o-lantern!

I know, I know...this is so not a major feat. But for us, it is! Because we’ve tried for years and haven’t managed to pull it off.

First off, it’s hard to manage sharp tools with tiny hands. (I mean, helloooooo, NO.)

Second, I’ve always managed to attempt it at a poor time, usually without the hubby as muscly backup, and more than once, I’ve applied too much pressure to the cheap carving tools, and they’ve snapped, ha.

So this year, when I saw this little gadget in the store, I was super skeptical, but had nothin’ to lose.

And voila! It was the winner!

Obviously, the kiddos were totally banned from being anywhere near the tool, but I let them draw guidelines on the pumpkin...

And they were appropriate excited/grossed out by the “guts.” :)

Except for Chicklet, who was not at all excited about the guts, and just cried over them—until I gave her a giant spoon so she didn’t officially have to touch “yuckies” and then she cried a little less. :)

I mean, yay for a happy, traditional little jack-o-lantern!

It was a pretty intensive (mothering-wise) but lovely, rainy afternoon for us. We carved, we cooked, we queued up some of our favorite old Halloween TV show episodes and colored, colored, colored. 

All good things. :)

Just two sleeps ‘till Halloween!

Over and out.

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