Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Spooky Library Fun!

Well, m’peeps.

We’ve continued to be a bit crummy tummy-wise around our house today. Luckily, Chica is vastly improved and should be at school mañana, but...Mama and Daddy are feeling quite queasy. Booooo.

So here’s hoping for some swift germ turnover!

And in the meantime, on this beautifully sunny Fall afternoon, I’m going to attempt a few quick post recaps of things I haven’t taken the time to share.

First up: library spookiness!

Last Thursday, there was an event at our local library for the wee ones, and I really vacillated over whether to attend (school night, and all), but in the end, the hubby was able to make it home to go with us, and I knew it would be a real treat for the kiddos to get to strut their stuff in their costumes. :)

I mean, the energy level was high, high, high, as we were getting ready, and I knew it was the right decision to go for it. And I totally used the event as leverage to force them to eat their dinner (a chicken corn chowder that they all complained about, but nevertheless, forced down).

And really, let’s just be realsies—the clincher to making it all happen was the promise of another photo op with my crazies. Because we will NEVER get enough pics of Chicklet as her hot dog this year! Tehehe.

I’m so enjoying that she’s getting some special attention for her costume this year. I LOVE it when each of my babies get a little time to shine a bit, and my beautiful middle-born is so lovely about going with the flow, that it’s all the more special when she gets to shine brightly. :)

Okay, now, this next pic soooo cracks me up, because when do they EVER stand so straight-laced??? Let alone, in costume???

Muuuuuch better. ;)

So, without knowing much about the setup of the event, it could have gone really well or really poorly. Especially because we just had an hour to live it up before sundown and bath time.

But we were happy to see such a healthy turnout, because the buzz of having some many happy and hilariously-dressed kiddos really made it all so lively.

There were a handful of booths set up outside that offered candy in exchange for a little game or something. But after some quick perusal (and examination of the healthy lines, as well), we actually headed inside for the craft room. Our kinda jam. :)

And, hello—a hot dog in crafting mode?? I die. Hehe.

Each table was setup for a different project and ours was an adorable witch that actually kept the kiddos pretty entertained. I mean, hand them scissors, glue sticks and markers, and they’ll be golden for hours.

Insert awkward family photo—oh look, we just happen to have one right here.

Then we moseyed back outside to hit a couple of the shorter-lined booths...

And ended with the main event, which was a “Spooky Walk” set up among this tree lined path to one side of the library property.

It was the perfect level of “spook” for kiddos our age. I think we got at least one shriek out of each of them, but nothing truly frightening. No nightmares in the making, puh-lease.

So all in all, a really lovely night for us to be able to enjoy our costumes and the spooktacular fun of the season before the big H Day. 

Plus—it was really lovely to run into some familiar faces here and there while we were out. Someone the kiddos knew from elementary or preschool school, soccer or dance class. Nothing major, but just a little familiarity that always adds a nice bit of warm fuzzies to nights like this.

Who knows—maybe this was a new tradition in the making? :)

Happy Tuesday, peeps.

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