Monday, October 21, 2019

Unplanned/Planned Day


Not exactly the day I had planned—although, in a weird way, it still kinda-sorta was.

So...the girlies woke up with lots o’ rambunctious energy (like, so much, it was a bit hard to take at 6:45 a.m.), but then by 10 a.m, the school nurse was calling me about Chica not feeling well, by noon she was home and throwing up, and, laid plans and all. Out the window.

However. Of all the days to have a sick kiddo convalescing at home, it worked out rather well that I’d planned on a massive playroom toy organization and overhaul. So we really just camped out in there while Chica dozed in and out and rested, rested, rested.

And I finally discovered, for a fact, how many PJMask Geckos we own (six, if you must know, but they’re all sooooo different). ;)

Anyone for a superhero mask??? This was even before we found one more hiding under some other toys, ha.

Three Spider-Mans?? (Spider-Men??). Yup. But all three are different, of course. Original, Iron, and Far From Home, if you must know.

So we got about 90% of the way there today—culling down toys for donation and for stowing away (to make the old new again), and divvying things up into a new storage piece of furniture we bought last weekend.

But I have one final, evil 10% of my plan left. I’m legit going to make labels—unclear if they will be written or picture labels—to adhere all over the playroom on the key drawers and cabinets in the playroom. So that there will a place for everything, and everything in its place.

I told the hubby tonight that it’s going to be an official goal of mine in 2020 (or sooner, if I can manage it!) to be able to march the kiddos upstairs to clean the dang playroom all on their own, without me directing the process, and still manage to have everything where it belongs.

I can dream, right???

But, look! This might be the first time in a century there hasn’t been a toy in the frame of a picture I’ve taken in the playroom.

Sometime soon, I’ll post more about my struggle with this SA playroom of ours, and how it’s been my most difficult room to bond with. But that’s all boring, boring, boring, and best for another day.

In the meantime...anyone placing bets on which baby (or Mama?) will be down for the count next???

Where’s my sage stick when I need it?

Over and out.

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