Sunday, November 10, 2019

A Low-Key SA Zoo Day!

Well, peeps. We did it! We made it to the other side of soccer season, and now we’re coasting with free Saturdays (well, as free as you can get during holiday season, amiright?) and it. Is. Glorious.

I mean, yeah, sure, our kiddos are still up at the crack of dawn, but we don’t have to haul our tushies out of bed and immediately into soccer gear—woohoo!

So it was blissfully domestic to whip up some homemade waffles and good old bacon and eggs and have a low-key, pajama-ed morning. :)

Happy, giggly kiddos. :)

And then, it was just as awesome to manage to get out the door so dang early—even after such a leisurely home-cooked breakfast, so that we made it to the zoo just a few minutes after it opened. (Can I get yet another woohoo!)

I mean, we’ve had so many fun zoo days over the course of our family life, that we sort of have to categorize or label or rank them now, haha.

And, of course, we’re coming off of the most epic zoo day we might ever have (the zoo in Colorado Springs during our spur-of-the-moment-October-trip), so I was curious how this one would feel.

But we’d been dying to get there, since we’d only been once since the move (and it was pretty hot and the kiddos were fairly melted and whiny during that visit), so we’ve been planning on this for our first activity post soccer for some time. 

And, man, did we have the most glorious, crisp, Fall weather. And with our early arrival and easy-going vibes, I am happy to report it as our most Low Key/Easy Breezy zoo visit we’ve ever had, ha.

Also—can we just take a moment to please note how OLD my Chica looks in this picture below????

Ugh. It hurts. They just keep getting bigger!

Also—I must take a brief moment to take note of her footwear. And Chicklet’s, as well. Because I made the mistake of taking the hubby shopping with my on Friday when I needed to handle a return. And being the lively and unpredictable shopper that he is, he fell in love with these wedge sneakers for the girlies and just had to bring them home, haha.

I mean...I die.

They’re all cloth, like a sock (this pretty blush with golden threads woven throughout), and just so, darn fun. And apparently cozy, because they girlies happily trotted all over the whole zoo in them, ha.

Speaking of happy...could this girl be any cuter????

Love her to bits and pieces and bits. She was our popcorn holder at the zoo. No hands made it to the corn without going through her first, tehe.

Fun was had by all, Mama and Daddy are suckers and let the kiddos get a souvenir, we stopped at Shake Shack on the way home (yuuuuum)—and got donuts down the road, to boot—and all was good.

Oh! And we made a stop at Hobby Lobby on the way home for some additional little kiddo Christmas tree supplies (more on that another day).

So...between all that, about 10,354 loads of laundry (I’m so NOT kidding; ask the hubby), church, grocery shopping, closet cleaning, another dozen loads of laundry, bathroom cleaning, a family viewing of Pocahontas (Chica’s been asking a lot about Native American history, due to some things they’ve been learning at school)...I’m so wiped.


It was a good weekend.

And, already, I can feel the pace of this next week picking up, so I’m glad I savored the low-key vibes of last week.

The Thanksgiving snowball had begun!

Onward and upward, m’peeps.

Over and out. 

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