Monday, November 25, 2019

Some ICE Fun

(Double post day alert!)

Well, m’peeps.

We made it through the first half of our journey, and to our more-than-a-little-fun resort stop at the glorious holiday hotel that we visit every year for the ice exhibit, but had no idea we’d see again, after moving away from Dallas!

With little time, and no other adults (beyond us, this year), we decided to forgo bundling up for the frigid official exhibit, and just dove in for some snow tubing fun.

And the carousel.

And a happy dinner.

And some double desserts.

And some exploring within the amazing hotel atrium.

And...a majorly unexpected and awesome visit with SANTA (a pic from that mañana).

It is truly like a holiday wonderland, every time we come to this place. And I’m so grateful we could break our journey here. :)

P.S. I’m officially dubbing the girlies’ leggings of the day their “candy canes” because they could not have looked more precious, tehe. Accidental holiday dressing, that was.

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