Sunday, December 1, 2019

Dear, Santa

Oh my heavens, I’ve never been so grateful we were smart enough to drive straight through yesterday, so we could have a regroup day today, at home.

Yay, regroup!

For the first time in ages, we skipped church and spent all day (with the exception of an efficient grocery store run) inside the casa. Enjoying quality family time, getting our sea legs back under us, and indulging in a bit of selfish parent time (football for Daddy, nap for Mama).

I mean, totally the perfect first day in December. :)

To start with, we had the rarest of all rare sightings: Chicklet and Little Man, buddied up and snuggling—without beating each other up.

I mean, so rare and stinking adorable.

They were up first this morning, while Chica slept in a bit. And, boy, did she need it. After days and days of interrupted sleep while we were gone (lots of waking up with nightmares which is super rare for her these days), we needed to get her back to routine. And I think this was the start of it.

But, really, all the kiddos seemed happy to be back in their own beds. And just as he does every morning, Little Man played in his room until we released him, and I just adore the light saber he made on his lite brite, hehe.

Then after a homemade waffle breakfast, and the glorious surprise that Chica had gone around to everyone’s rooms making beds, we busted out our letters to Santa kit. :)

So crazy to me that, this year, Little Man can write out most letters with a bit of guidance and help. Seriously insane!

And Chicklet is doing so great with her writing, as well. Getting so quick with her retention of certain things, and gaining confidence in her penmanship. Woohoo!

And, of course, Chica’s golden to power through on her own, with minimal spelling help.

It was such a riot to see them think through their behavior so they could check one box for Santa. And I gotta admire their honestly that they fully admitted to a mix of naughty and nice, tehe.

But even more of a riot was trying to get them to pose with the sealed envelope.

We had a hilarious round of misadventures where someone got sliced near the eye with the envelope, then when I forced the guilty party to apologize and offer a hug, it turned into a accidental shove toward the Christmas tree that toppled both the tree and all three kiddos over, with one foot injured along the way, ha.

I mean, the things we go through to get one good—or many hysterical—pictures.

In other hilarious events today...for lunch, after our grocery run, the hubby indulged in Oxygen Mask Eating.

I mock him for it all the time, and basically, it’s focusing on feeding yourself first, usually at the expense of spouse and children, ha.

I mean, just look at the glorious sandwich he made for himself, and only himself, while the rest of us went hungry. 

I mean...

Good thing I love him.

So...after football and naps and quiet time for the kiddos, we reconvened for the fun of the hubby’s old x-box that he busted out to wildly entertain the kiddos. :)

And then we topped it off with dinner...

And a family movie night (or at least the half of it that we had time to watch)...

And some homemade pecan bars that I didn’t take a picture of.

So, YAY, for regrouping Sundays before diving right into the routine again.

Happy Sunday, peeps!

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