Wednesday, December 11, 2019

“Don’t Smile!” (Holiday Crafting Edition)

Okay, peeps. I might have accidentally stumbled across the BEST hack ever, to get my beloved Chicklet to smile for pics.

Please allow me to present Exhibit A:

I mean...I DIE.

I love this girl like crazy mad, she is the greatest joy, with the most raucous, bursting, belly laugh, and mischievous twinkle to her smiley eyes. And...she never smiles genuinely for pics, haha (well, maybe not never, but rarely).

Case in point...Exhibit B:

And hilariously...Exhibit C (her school pics that came home in her backpack today, tehe):

I mean, all her smiles make me laugh and light up my life (yes, even that school one!) because they’re all some version of her. Especially her open-mouthed “smile” when she chooses being goofy above all else, hehe.


Every now and then, catching one of her real, golden smiles is like winning the biggest lottery in the world. And today, I won over and over by simply saying...

“Hey. Don’t smile.”

And then she lit up like a 50-watt bulb. :)

I mean...I LOVE HER.

And actually, all my babies were pretty smiley this afternoon while we spent nearly two hours coloring these fun fuzzy ornaments and having a hot chocolate party.

I was grateful for this diversion, since Nanna left this morning, and we’re always blue when family leaves. BUT, we get to see everybody in about 10 days. Woohoo!

Here’s to hoping for another decent round of kiddo moods after school mañana, before we can sail into our last holiday weekend before traveling!

Happy Almost Thursday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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