Saturday, December 14, 2019

Our Gingerbread Chalet!

Okay, so here’s a little holiday/project confession:

I am a mother of three kiddos, a relatively crafty and resourceful individual, and a lover of any project whatsoever, but I cannot assemble a traditional gingerbread house to save my life.

Yup. It’s true. It’s a major deficiency of mine.

I just can’t, for the love of all that is holy, get those four walls of the “house” stable enough to then have the roof remain in place without the whole ding dang thing collapsing.

And, man, have I tried. Many times. The latest of which was a haunted house gingerbread attempt just two months ago for Halloween.

It was structurally unsound and died before we could even decorate it, ha.

Naturally, being the aforementioned resourceful woman that I am, in recent years, I’ve been able to work around this personal deficiency by purchasing an already assembled house that we can decorate to our heart’s content.

But I couldn’t find one when I finally pulled the trigger this week, so I took a leap, Tar-jay pulled through for me (like always), and I now have a forever gingerbread love that is far simpler and rock solid in its construction.

I give you...Our Gingerbread Chalet!

Easy breezy, triangle construction. Thank the freaking heavens!

I literally had those walls up and in place in, like, two minutes flat (even with my heckling hubby betting against me).

And lovely, lazy, Saturday morning decorating was had by all. :)

As I’ve mentioned many, many times, we—along with the rest of the human population during the holidays—have really been chock full of to-do lists and activities that just keep ramping up.

And this coming week is going to be a doozy.

Don’t get me wrong—it’s all wonderful, life-is-full things. But’s a lot. And our afternoon today ended up much busier than I’d hoped, so I’m extra-special grateful for our morning chill. 

Hoping that the chaos and stress of the upcoming week will be a minor shadow compared to the brilliance of this final push of activity and celebration before we hunker down and the official holiday sets in. :)

Happy Saturday, peeps!

Over and out. 

P.S. It just does not seem okay that our temps hit the mid-80’s today, and the kiddos were out in the back “helping” to clean the leaves out of the pool, ha. SA Christmas for ya.

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