Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Bouncy Bribery

So...yesterday was not the easiest day, ha.

The kiddos were home from school for the holiday, and emotions were high for some reason. Lots of tears and meltdowns—which was sort of unexpected, given the happy day to rest.

Anywho. Luckily, it passed, and we had a solid day today. And the highlight, was finally taking a moment to explore what might end up being one of our new favorite spots.

A 254-acre park that’s been right under our noses, all this time. Like, we literally pass the entrance (one of the entrances?) several times a day, ha. In fact, this might even end up being connected to the nature preserve that just beyond our backyard. Not sure. Need to look at some maps and do some research.

It was starting to rain, so we were only able to wander for about half an hour, and barely scratched the surface, obviously. Apparently, it contains several official trails, an amphitheater, a few exercise stations, and...some caverns! Seriously!

Though they’re all boarded up or surrounded by stone borders, as they’re not stable enough for exploration, there are tons of plaques everywhere, giving a bit of history. And in light of our adventure this past weekend, we were pumped. Very cool. :)

Going to try to return another day to explore further, as this is totally the time of year when we need to take advantage, before the heat sets in.

In other news...this is what the playroom looked like for the past 72 hours, after the kiddos decided to gather every single stuffed animal they collectively own, and dump them here for play:

Not gonna lie: I can’t even complain (much), because it kept them occupied and playing nicely together for more than an hour on Sunday. And that is freaking priceless.

But. Every mess has its expiration date. So after school and our park adventure today, I bribed them to clean up by promising to bust out the trusty bouncy house. :)

No judgment. Whatever works, right???

Over and out. 

P.S. Anytime I feel like throwing in the parenting towel and taking the easy route instead of mustering up the energy for an adventure, I need to remember the kiddos’ collective excitement after school today.

They each, separately, reported that they told all of their classmates about our adventure to the natural caverns this weekend, ha. And it made my heart so happy to hear them gushing over something they so clearly enjoyed. :)

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