Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Chica’s Economics Fair Project!

Okay, so.

When Chica came home last week with an “economics” assignment, I was like: say, what??? Aren’t we in second grade here??? Hold the phone. Too soon, people.

But I’m relieved to report that it turned out to be a pretty fun—if involved—assignment (that’s not quite over, yet).

Basically, Chica’s grade level has been focusing on learning about the valuation of money (quarters, dimes, nickels, etc.), as well as working money-related problems into their mathematics.

Additionally, they’ve been talking about how to sell something for more than the cost of making it, so...all of this is apparently culminating in...

an Economics Fair!

The kiddos were given two weeks to make 15 of something, for less than $15 in supplies. And then set a price point between $1 and $5, with the profits going toward a children’s cancer charity.

Crazy ambitious for seven/eight year olds, yes?

But pretty darn fun, once we got through an angsty weekend of committing to exactly what she was going to make (she kept getting too excited about concepts we couldn’t pull off, ha).

Luckily, once I tried to center it around something she loves (jewelry), and suggested our trusty shrink art necklaces we’ve made several times, she was all in. And to add a little extra something, we decided to sell them with a little homemade keepsake pouch that she could sew.

Idea solidified, she went to work. 

So...last week, while Chicklet was working on her 100 days of kindergarten project, Chica spent time coloring all the necklace charms so we could bake and shrink them.

Then a few days later, we put them on string with beads (and taped them to a canvas so they wouldn’t get tangled, ha).

Then came the most time-consuming part. The pouch sewing.

I rounded up some fun, patterned-felt, and we busted out the string again...

And over the course of the last week, we’ve assembled nearly all 15 pouches.

Chica’s been super diligent about the stitching, and the work hasn’t taken too long. We average about one pouch every 10-15 minutes, so you can do the math. 

The best part of all this is that I get to volunteer at school during the Fair this Friday morning, so I’ll get to see all this fun in action. And, Chicklet and the rest of the kindergarteners get to attend and shop, which will be an adorable riot.

Not gonna lie—it’s been a bit of planning and a certain time commitment to tackle this, but a positive experience and a unique one, I think. :)

Oh, and here are our costs:
  • $3 kits of shrink art from Tarjay (x2)
  • $4.99 multi-pack of string from Hobby (40% off)
  • 77-cent pieces of felt (we selected 5; each were 40% off)
So we managed it all—with discounts—for roughly $10, and she’s planning on selling them for $1.25.


So...yay, for creative learning! And thank heavens the kiddos haven’t received any other homework during this time of economics crafting!

More on Friday after the Fair. Until then...happy Tuesday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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