Thursday, February 13, 2020

Edible Hearts

Oh my heavens, Valentine’s hoopla will peak and then end tomorrow, and I feel like we’ve really lived it up, but I haven’t managed to post a handful of the projects we’ve completed over the past few weeks.

It’s unlikely I’ll be able to sift through old pics and share all of them (Mama’s tired; it’s been an active week!), but I’d hate to pass this one by without an honorable mention, as it was quite an entertaining few hours on a day the kiddos were out of school.

And also, anything that can produce this smooshy, gorgeous Chicklet face is a winner—even if it was kind of a half-failed project, ha. 

So here it edible heart cookie coloring kit.

Such fun edible paper for the kiddos to color with special markers. A handful of lovey little Valentine designs, and though they were delicate (read: torn easily) if the kiddos colored too hard, they were super cute.

And my babies were also super cute. Happy and pajama-clad all day, hehe.


Here’s where the sort of fail came in.

The edible heart papers were of a size that I really should have baked sugar cookies from scratch to get the proportions correct.

But I was lazy, and just snagged a frozen package from the store so I could save some time and angst. And they ended up way too tiny, once baked.


So...we had to cut the edible paper hearts down to size before placing them on the baked cookies. And then, to make the finished product even more “attractive,” I let the kiddos go nuts with icing and toppings, as usual. Ha.

I think these definitely fall under the “nailed it” category, baha.

But the really priceless part of this baking project was the taste testing. 

It was a total riot to watch them eat the paper and give their verdict. Priceless reactions and faces. Super entertaining. 

So there you have it. Our fun edible hearts project that was pretty joyful on a random Monday. :)

Happy Almost Valentine’s, peeps!

Oh, and in case you were wondering, we survived our day with far less drama than yesterday. The kiddos were just their usual brand of crazy. ;)

Over and out. 

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