Thursday, February 20, 2020

Rodeo Day At School—2020!

So...since we’re still rounding out our first full year here in SA (how is that possible??), we’re also still experiencing so many “firsts”—particularly related to school events.

And today’s was a big dose of Yee-haw. ;)

Nothing says We-Live-In-South-Texas like a Rodeo Day at school, where the kiddos dress in their best cowboy/cowgirl gear, and have a wranglin’ good time, ha.

Apparently—as I’m still learning—this whole hoopla coincides with an actual rodeo that is currently in town. And might be something we need to check out.

But until that opportunity cowgirls were rarin’ to go at the crack of dawn. :)

And. Mama got to join in on the fun as a volunteer for the Rodeo Day Festivities. Woohoo!

Thankfully, Chica’s 2nd grade time slot was very first thing in the morning, so the hubby went into work just a tad late so that he could be on Little Man school drop-off duty while I headed in the opposite direction. 

The event was adorable. Stations of activities set up in the gymnasiums (yup, this school has two that are connected), and the whole thing started off with some cutie-pie line dancing. :)

I was thrilled to volunteer for the face painting station, because I got to sit—and deal with adorable young-kiddo cheeks. (And then sanitize, sanitize, sanitize my hands, ha).

Luckily, it was pretty straightforward, with only a couple of “brand” options with school or personal initials for the kiddos to choose from. Nothing elaborate. Oh, and an adorable mustache that was a riot to paint on a handful of little gents—and a few ladies. :)

(For the record, this was my worst work, on my own child no less, because she lingered at my station to be my very last, and I was racing to finish before she had to line up and return to class, ha). 

In total, it was such a little joy of a volunteering stint. And definitely something that helped to make up for the Economics Fair I missed out on. Oh, and I randomly ran into Chicklet in the hallway while I was there! What are the odds?! She was riding her pony down the hall, escorting one of her students to the school nurse, baha. Such a treat to get to see her unexpectedly.

So...yay, for a pretty solid week of busyness but kiddos that have been mostly stable (except for our heinous Monday, ha).

So here’s hoping we can power through one more day before the weekend (fingers and toes crossed).

Over and out. 

P.S. I don’t think I ever got to post about the really fun round of reading and project time I did in Chicklet's class last week, just before Valentine’s. I really hit home with my book and project the theme of showing people you care through kindness. And paying kindness forward. It was one of my favorite times being in her class this year.

So, yay, for the one-two punch of getting to both girlies at school in the past week!

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