Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Chica’s Second Grade Musical Performance!

Oh my goodness, peeps. What an adorable little evening, watching my girlie performs with all of the second graders. :) A musical all about making healthy food choices, ha.

I’ve been listening to her sing these little songs all over the house for weeks, but what a joy to see the live version—along with all the fantastic motions!

My girl was ON it, never missing a cue or a motion, and she even had a sweet little part where she played a “sticky sweet” and tried to tempt her classmates into poor food decisions, tehe.

And lemme tell ya about Chica’s biggest audience cheerleader: her sissy! Chicklet was mimicking motions in the audience, and was so into it during the original, school day performance, that one of the teachers sweetly commented on it at school pickup, sharing with me what a supportive sister she was as she watched.

I really do love these wonderful events because it’s such a beautiful thing to watch your kiddo anticipate it in so many ways. With some excitement and some nerves and some embarrassment and whole lot of pride when the event has come and gone.

It’s a beautiful thing, and I’m so grateful to all the wonderful educators who make it all possible.

Still operating just below 100% as a household. We had some tired and emotional babies at bedtime, once the performance was said and done. BUT...three sleeps ‘til Spring Break. Woohoo!

Over and out, peeps.

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