Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Distancing Day 10: Water Leaks & Water Play

Well, m’peeps.

Seems we’re destined to live one good day, one bad, in a constant pendulum swing. And I’m sorry to report that today, was the bad.

Not long after we were up and at ‘em, Chica hollered down from upstairs to report that there was a giant water mark on the ceiling.

We said a few four-letter words, verified the accuracy, and then began to investigate the source of the problem. Check out the area above Little Man’s head, here:


For anyone keeping count, this is now the seventh—SEVENTH leak within the house and property in the single year that we’ve lived here, and I can’t even. I just CAN’T.

Ugh. UGH. Argh!

After a lot of time spent tracking the source, we isolated it to the A/C unit and weren’t able to trouble shoot on our own, despite some effort. SO...totally looking forward to that service call and bill tomorrow.

I’d be lying if I said this didn’t set me off on a poor trajectory for the remainder of the day. It put the hubby behind on his work day, the kiddos and I behind on our scheduled lessons, and it just made me plain cranky.

Add to that the fact that I’ve been breaking my back (literally; I’ve been bending over at a very yucky angle) any “spare” minute I’ve had the past two days, painting a set of study/piano room doors that we desperately need to re-install to give the hubby a bit more of a sound barrier while working (much more on that in another post), and the cranky had been amplified quite a bit.


So when the kiddos (Chicklet, in particular) started pushing me during our outdoor time just before dinner, and really begged to get in the pool, despite the frigid water temp, I finally just said: You know what?? I don’t care! Fine. Whatever. I give up. 

Look at Chicklet, all smug and happy and stinking adorable after she got her way. It’s a good thing I love that gappy smile.

And I love this Chica action shot...

But the truly hilarious action is Little Man’s pose in the background, ha:

And this is Little Man, repeatedly dipping in the water until he was soaked, then rushing up to me and nuzzling and snuggling as much as humanly possible, just to drive me crazy and soak my cheeks and clothes, ha.

This will do NOT be a part of our ongoing routine. I’m not ready for the extra laundry and craziness of pool time. But it was a helpful diversion this evening.’s hoping Day 11 will be back on an upswing.

Over and out, peeps.

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