Thursday, March 26, 2020

Distancing Day 11: Doors!

Well, m’peeps.

Although there’s practically no difference between a weekday and a weekend right now, I’m still so ever-loving glad that tomorrow is Friday. Just ‘cause.

I continue to feel as though this week had been more difficult than last, and I think it centers around the major transition of the hubby working at home

It’s just involved some time to prepare a dedicated space that we didn’t previous have, and to get into a routine of sharing the house all day long, and keeping our sanity while cohabitating our all day/every every day lives, ha.

Nothin’ the rest of the world isn’t dealing with. It’s just our particular adjustment challenge for this week.

Now, the “study” in our home is the room that currently houses our piano...and nothing else, ha.

It’s really the final frontier that we have yet to tackle, from a design standpoint. It’s just been empty for the time being.

Which, I suppose, is a bit of a blessing at present, because we just moved the dining table in there a few days ago to serve as the massive “desk” the hubby needs (he utilizes multiple computer monitors when he works).

At the office, he works at a standing desk, so he actually hauled a contraption home that could be set on top of the dining table, and raise to the appropriate height.

Lemme tell’s just so “pretty” in that room right now. NOT. It hurts my organized, let’s-have-things-functional-and-attractive heart, because it’s just a hot mess. Such a hot mess that I won’t even show you a pic.’s temporary—we hope and pray!


There was one major problem with the setup that had to be rectified immediately: the fact that the lovely, glass-paned French doors to that room were removed during the renovation process, and were never painted and re-installed. Argh.

So...guess what yours truly has been spending my not-at-all-free-time doing this week??? Painting those dang 15-glass-paneled doors so we could install them and give the hubby a bit more of a sound barrier.

Oye, oye, oye.

My back is broken, it took me three days, and I still have touch-ups to tackle, but they’re up! And they definitely helped muffle the chaos a bit.

Please note: the door handles don’t arrive until Sunday, so the hubby has a hilarious towel that he’s using as a faux handle. But he sometimes gets stuck anyway, and has to call me to come get him out of the room, baha.

Anywho...I’m grateful to have the worst of the project out of the way, and it’s actually really lovely to have the doors attached. Only took the motivation of this worldwide situation to get to it.

In case you’re’s what the room looks like. Kinda. This was when the walls were being muddled before wallpaper installation. I haven’t shared pics of the result because the wallpaper didn’t turn out how we hoped (another post for another day), but it will give you an idea of the room’s layout.

And considering this is what the room looked like when we bought the house, I feel like it’s progress!

We removed the carpet and built-ins, installed a light fixture and really let that beautiful ceiling shine. Hopefully someday, we can get it to a furnished, happy place. :)

In the meantime, hopefully next week we can just dive in to work and school-from-home without the distractions of setting up the spaces.

And now, to sign are the kiddos and their popper egg friends they made today:

Stay healthy, stay sane, peeps.

Over and out. 

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