Friday, March 27, 2020

Distancing Day 12: TGIF

So...I know there’s little to no difference between a weekday and a weekend at the moment, but, man, am I glad it’s Friday!

The hubby will be working a bit this weekend, and the kiddos and I will likely be continuing some school work (partly to stave off restlessness and boredom), but we stocked up on plenty of groceries to power through our upcoming Week 3 of distancing, we’ll be celebrating Chicklet’s birthday this weekend, and our sanity is relatively in tact.

So from my crew to yours...bless us all, we made it through another week.

Continuously praying for so many people in so many situations. But to the Mamas holding down the homeschooling front, I saw this little text image on a blog today and the colors and message gave me a bit of positivity:

Stay healthy, stay sane, peeps.

Over and out. 

P.S. Tomorrow, I’ve got to share a bit about the joys of kiddos and FaceTime/Zoom Time during this unprecedented world dynamic. Talk about an entertaining diversion, in so many ways.

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