Thursday, March 19, 2020

Distancing Day 4: Nanna Sheltering With Us

So...we’re on Day 4 of our official, home-from-school, social distancing (just like most of the rest of the country, obviously), and I’m pleased to report that we’re pretty stable (for now, ha).

Long haul, here we come.

And here are the two major things I’m grateful for this first week (because I feel like we’re going to need to constantly remind ourselves of the positives and the gratitude).

We are full-on in a routine, now.

I mean, we are regimented.

And though I’m wiped by the end of the day, because our routine leaves little room for downtime, I feel like the kiddos are thriving under the structure, and the whining has been minimal, because they already know what to expect from the progression of our day, and we’ve been pretty busy!

They key will be to rotate in some fresh ways of tackling certain activities or “dayparts” so they don’t start to boycott the monotony, ha.

And the second thing we’re particularly grateful for:

Nanna arrived to shelter at home with us.

Whether she knew she was signing up for this kind of concentrated, can’t-leave-or-go-do-anything togetherness time or not, she’s full-on in it now. :)

And today, she participated in her inaugural Doodle Time with us (by far, our best find of the week), whether she wanted to or not, hehe. Though I think we won her over. ;)

I can already tell that this Doodle fun (I shared a prior post all about it) will be something I’ll remember from this sequestered time. Definitely one of those necessity is the mother of invention tidbits.

And something about setting up in the living room and enjoying the beautiful light and scenery as we art it up has just really been lovely.

Storms are rolling in as we speak, so our fresh air/exercise allotment for tomorrow afternoon might be limited, but we’ll do our best to bob and weave.

Stay Healthy
Stay Sane, peeps.

Over and out. 

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