Saturday, March 7, 2020

San Diego 2020–Day 1!

Hellooooooo, from SAN DIEGO!

So...about a month ago, we launched operation Go Somewhere For Spring Break, and once again, the hubby pulled through with his affordable airfare superpowers and hotel prices so amazing we could stay someplace really incredible. And we began our countdown to some fantastic family fun. :)

Then last night, after an easy drive to fly out of Austin (better flight times and prices), and a direct flight that was on time and drama free...we arrived! And we woke to some gloriousness and a day packed with adventures. :)’s important to note that we’ve been fortunate enough to pull off a couple of amazing adventures within the past year (hello, last minute Colorado Springs awesomesauce, and Lake Oconee spectacular-ness).

But this Spring Break jaunt feels extra-special when you consider exactly where we were, and what we were doing, one year ago today.

One year ago today...we’d just closed up our house in McKinney, and left our city of 15 years for good. 

Our general contractor in SA had just abandoned the job in an unlivable state and stolen money in the process, and the hubby was stuck in SA desperately scrounging for new contractors and piecing together our impending move amidst unfathomable circumstances.

The kiddos had strep throat and we sought refuge in Tulsa with grandparents for the week—during which, I stole away to SA for 48 hours to assess the wreckage of our new and gutted home with the hubby, to regroup, to mourn, and to figure out a way to salvage things and move in within the week.

It was truly the hardest week we’ve ever worked our way through. Emotionally, was just a lot to deal with. Honestly, when I had a brief conversation with the hubby yesterday to think back on those few days, he didn’t even want to discuss it. That past is just better left there, he said. 

But for me, it’s important to acknowledge that really low point of a very tough move, and to recognize how far we’ve come within a year.

And to remind ourselves that so much of that pain was move and renovation-related—that, yes, sure, was pretty dang tough, and devastating and financially draining—but it was all temporary in nature and mostly about material things. Throughout it all, the underlying health of our family (several rounds of strep throat aside, ha) was in tact, we weathered it as a unit, and all of it was passing angst.

We are blessed and always have been. Even during those very dark days.

But, man, am I grateful to be in a much happier state of mind this year during Spring Break. And I’m so grateful to have this wonderful little trip to mark this milestone, and continue to pile happier memories onto this week in time, moving forward. :)

In mostly chronological order, here are pics of the hotel property, beach fun within Torrey Pines Nature Preserve, hiking within those grounds, and swimming back at the hotel.

We played hard.

And are totally wiped out on this eve before daylight savings! Hoping for more fun time together tomorrow. :)

The water may have been heated, but the actual temperature outside was not, ha. This is Little Man telling me he couldn’t smile for a pic because his cheeks hurt, tehe. They were probably frozen. We made a frigid return back to our room!

Happy First Saturday of Spring Break, peeps!

Over and out. 

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