Sunday, March 8, 2020

San Diego 2020–Day 2!

Oh my heavens, we’ve had another jam-packed day!

Originally, we were planning on the beach/nature preserve for Day 1, then something more low-key for Day 2, and then the Zoo for Day 3.

But as I was in bed last night with happy but aching limbs, I suddenly had the urge to get our other really strenuous day out of the way, so to speak. So that our final day here could be totally easy breezy and relaxing before our return home.

So we reversed our plans, woke up chipper and ready to go to...The San Diego Zoo!

And I’m thrilled to report that we actually managed a four-hour visit (pretty much our complete tops for how long we’ll stay anywhere—except maybe DisneyWorld, ha), and we weren’t completely exhausted!

Because we spent a decent chunk of our time on the signature double-decker buses that gave us fantastic views of so many animal enclosures.

So...yay, for another fun zoo experience (we love a good zoo) that didn’t totally test our legs to the limit! ;) 

One of my favorite family pics of the day...

There’s a tiger down there:

A baby hippo was born at the zoo, less than two months ago! And we were fortunate enough to have a land sighting, which, apparently, is super rare, as they spend most of their day in the water. :)

A polar bear swimming and splashing:

Sweet Chicklet found a total buddy in line for our double-decker bus. Same ages, same open, instant-friendship offerings, and same happy temperaments. They spent 45 minutes side by side, taking in the sights. :)

This mane wolf (that isn’t actually a wolf, apparently) was super stinky! Gives off an odor like a skunk.

I adore that Chicklet’s newfound friend asked to take a picture before we went our separate ways, so they could remember one another, ha. Five year olds are the best

And so are brightly colored double-decker buses that keep you from walking everywhere...

Cheetah!! Chica’s zoo experience was complete. :)

And a rhino eating and getting a splash bath...

And this is my second of the favorite family pics of the day, ha:

Hot air balloon sighting, back at the hotel...

As a final note...friends and family always ask me to compare zoo experiences (since we always try to make it to any local ones), so here’s my amateur opinion of the San Diego Zoo:

It was definitely the most sophisticated zoo we’ve experienced.

And by that, I mean that the animal enclosures were elaborate, the hilly and lush pathways were beautifully landscaped, the staff members were amazingly knowledgeable, and the transportation systems were well-oiled. 

And we were blessed with absolutely perfect weather, no need to buy a meal on property (just one ice cream treat), due to timing, and a bus tour that just so happened to catch nearly every dang animal in action that we passed. Very lucky!

That said...if I compare this to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo (our unicorn-like unbelievable experience in Colorado Springs), I’d give this disclaimer: our entry for this SD zoo was three times the cost of that Cheyenne zoo day. I mean, it was a very pricey experience. Just shy of $300 for our family of five to enter, with just the second to the lowest type of entry ticket. I mean, that’s the cost of airfare, or another night at a really amazing hotel!

Now, I’ve heard that the SD Zoo funnels so much of its money back into the zoo, and for conservation projects, so I have no doubt that a zoo of this caliber can justify the steep cost of that entry. But I can also say that we’ve had incredible zoo days in many cities, and it doesn’t have to break the bank to make the kiddos so happy. It’s often just about the luck of the day, and the animals we catch, or the mood of our family, and the hands-on experiences we manage. 

So...I summary: I’m glad we went because it was gorgeous and fun, and as zoo people, we had to visit the one that’s consistently ranked #1 in North American in so many polls. But I’m also glad it was our one main event that required extra funding while we were here! to read and rest. Over and out!

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