Monday, March 9, 2020

San Diego 2020–Day 3!

Well, m’peeps.

We’ve rounded out our final, full day before our travel home mañana, and it was mostly a sand and (brief) swim day.

Unfortunately, we woke a little more lethargic than usual, as Chicklet kept the hubby and I up a decent chunk of the night with ear pain—oye. She and I have still been battling lingering congestion and coughs from our yucky flu, and her respiratory funk has a tendency to impact the ears. 

But...after a stop at a clinic after brunch, we confirmed no infection (whew!) and just pressure from fluid build-up. we went to La Jolla Shores for a bit more beach time on a gorgeous day.

We made it a delightful hour or two (the kiddos were in sand heaven) before the sun retreated and we headed back to the hotel to let the crazies dive into the pool and swim off some of their sand (we’re classy like that).

Showers and a lovely dinner on site, and we’re stuffed and ready for bed.

It’s been such a nice break from routine these past few days. :) But I’m equally pumped about a handful of low-key days in SA when we return home for the remainder of our Spring Break week. 

After a major time zone and daylight savings acclimation, we’ve got some play dates with friends and some pajama time lined up, and we’re sooooo ready for it. :)

Happy Monday, peeps!

Over and out 

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