Friday, March 13, 2020

Stocking Up & Burrowing In

Well, m’peeps.

It’s such an unstable state of affairs in the world this week, yes? And that might be the understatement of the century.

I mean...this was a text my older bro sent earlier this week, and it doesn’t even begin to cover it:

Stating the obvious: this is (God willing) a once in a lifetime global event that is rapidly-morphing, with no true precedent— and that leaves room for a lot of worry and a lot of panic.

And the constant media coverage and easy access to up-to-the-minute updates in this digital age doesn’t really help us, am I right?

But I’m grateful to say that our household has kept a pretty level head thus far.

We recently traveled by air, as planned, for our Spring Break adventure. And we did nothing more that ramp up our hand washing and antibacterial wipe-downs of any public areas. Because that’s all we could really do, right?

That said, I’m very grateful we made it there and back even the short days ago that we did, because things are really escalating by the day.

Our school is closed for at least the next week, and our church is, as well. The mayor has banned gatherings of more than 500, and local health officials are recommending a limit of 10 people together in one place.


Having just lived through a rough flu within our household two weeks ago, I know that germs can strike at any time, and we just have to do our best to protect and isolate and then rest and heal. So although I have a healthy respect for this new virus, I can’t say that I fear it.

What I do fear is the idea of being stuck at home with all my kiddos underfoot without adequate supplies, ha. 

So I’ll be the first to admit that I was one of the annoying people out this morning at the grocery store, stocking up on frozen and non-perishable goods—along with any other available cleaning/antibacterial supplies.

And lemme just tell ya: I was shocked.

I thought the panic hype was over-exaggerated and felt a little silly going to these measures. I mean, we were just at the store on Wednesday, and all was pretty normal.

Not so much anymore. 

This was the paper goods aisle:

I mean...toilet paper, where have you gone???

Interested in cleaning supplies or wipes for your baby?? Good luck:

I mean...seriously. It was wild.

But I have to say, two very wonderful things came out of this tedious visit.

First: in gathering up food that will help keep us at home next week and last much longer than our typical supply, I was able to alleviate the largest of my personal fears. So the timing of the e-mail notification—less than an hour after our return home—that school is officially closed was not at all panic-inducing (well, unless you count the thought of being housebound with my crazy kiddos, ha).

And, second: on the way to the grocery store, as a form of education and explanation (but, Mama, we just went to the grocery store), I had the first real talk with my kiddos about the coronavirus in general, and what it means for us, specifically.

And it was so great. I was so grateful to be the one to convey the information directly to their little ears in a way that wouldn’t scare them unnecessarily. And we really had the best informative chat. And then we made the logistics like a little game. What kind of foods do you love love love that we just have to get more of, or that will last a long time??

They were totally into it, and it made the whole insane, hectic process of making our way through the store so much more enjoyable.

And...because I’m a sucker, and these are weird times, they each left with a toy to cap off their Spring Break week. :) (Along with Little Man’s Cocoa Krispies, which were a must have in a crisis, apparently.)

Now. The one addendum to this stock up adventure: we were not able to find the toilet paper that we really needed so I could feel 100% relaxed for the next week or two, with five heinies in my house, ha. (I mean, did you see the empty aisle pic???)

So when the hubby called to check in on his way home, and mentioned stopping by Walgreens, I gave him our short list of still-needed items, and he totally pulled through, ha.

With this hilarious, tissue-paper thin stuff that made me laugh and hope I don’t have to use it, but also feel so grateful to have it in our, er, arsenal. Ha.

I mean, look at this counter of loot! The golden trifecta of paper towels, toilet paper and Kleenex. :)

I seriously can’t believe he found it all in stock! Totally serendipitous.

And now, look at our fully loaded snack pantry, hehe.

So...the moral of this story is: do whatever you need to in order to stay calm. Don’t stress unnecessarily, but if some extra food around the place will keep you from worrying about how long school will actually be closed, or how many times you’ll have to brave the insanity of the grocery store, then stock up.

And if you know someone in need of some extra toilet paper and you find yourself well supplied, share the wealth. ;)

Praying for all those out there who are ill, who are full of anxiety in this weird situation, whose household income will be impacted by all that’s grinding to a halt, or those who are seriously in a bind over childcare while things are in flux. 

Be kind to one another.

Much more about our cabin fever adventures as we navigate this strange week ahead!

Over and out.

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