Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Distancing Day 23: A Tuesday Case Of The Mondays

This picture pretty much embodies my general feeling about life today:

That is all.

Over and out.

P.S. Trying to stay healthy and sane peeps.

P.P.S. I think a major contributor to my Tuesday case of the Mondays is the series finale of this absolute GEM tonight:

We were slow to jump on this bandwagon, finally binge-watching from the first season, only about six months ago. And it took us a season or two to really solidly our love, but, man, am I glad it really clicked I place, as it would have been a tragedy to miss it.

It is truly such a burst of positivity and hilarity and outlandish-ness and likable, mostly-crazy characters, that it has been a JOY to call ourself fans.

And in the spirit of honoring the show’s positivity, I’ll try to be forgiving of the fact that it’s ending NOW, on such a HIGH, when we could all REALLY use this ongoing laughter and levity. So here’s to rewatching some episodes when we really need them.

Really over and out, now.

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