Friday, April 10, 2020

Distancing Day 26: Bike Squad, Scavenger Hunt

So...remember yesterday when Chica learned to ride her bike without training wheels and I was all I’m just gonna let her continue to ride this bike that’s too small for her instead of upgrading??

Also, what deluded world was I living in to think Chicklet and Little Man wouldn’t be begging for upgrades to their wheels, so they could pedal like big kids now, too?


And I thought I was a seasoned Mama.

Clearly, this distancing stuff has turned my brain to mush.

But...when we left the house for a joy ride, for the first time in a week (aside from the hubby doing just a once weekly grocery run; seriously, we’ve been very strict with following these stay-at-home orders), we ended up at Walmart for a handful of necessity items that were out of stock at our regular grocery store, and we ended up loading the trunk up with these:

That’s four bikes and a scooter, there.


It happened.


I blame it on this quarantine.

I mean, because of our strict adherence to the stay-at-home mandate, and the hubby’s even stricter adherence that he be the only one to go to the grocery store, I, myself, have literally not been in a public place of any kind (neighborhood walks, notwithstanding) for three full weeks, so sending me in Walmart was like shoving a kid in a candy store. (Imagine how much worse it would have been at Target. Gasp!)

Also, lemme tell ya how hilarious it was to push a cart full of three bikes (yup, I did it), plus my own, larger bike beside me, with one hand, up to the register, all by m’self.

I mean, I was sweating my way through my face mask. And, man, was it comical, ha.

But totally worth it to see the kiddos faces when I got back to the car (those little buggers haven’t seen the inside of a public place in four weeks), with that many freaking bikes, as they didn’t even know I was going to check them out while I was in there.

I mean, one of them was only $48, and the rest weren’t much higher than that. Total steal! AND, they were all fully assembled! SCORE.

So when I can’t walk tomorrow because we were biking all over the neighborhood and/or taking turns pushing and steering Chicklet and Little Man while they’re getting the hang of it, remind me why.

This one’s Mama’s bike...

In other entertaining news...I did this scavenger hunt for the kiddos today, using printable clue cards, and hiding LEGO men (heaven knows we have plenty!) in the directed spots.

Like this cabinet (check out my impeccably de-cluttered countertops—not):

Where one lovely gent was waiting in a cup...

At the end of eight or 10 clues, I left them a little Easter treat (and Chicklet totally dug one of these little projects and I’ll post it mañana):

So many thanks to my Aunt Sophie for sending me the goods on the printable cards! :)

In other other entertaining news...Nanna shipped me some fun fabric (I used all mine up, already), so I could fashion some cutie-pie face masks for the kiddos (since they cried when I told them I was going to cut up their bandanas, so I had to abandon that plan).

Super fun fabric. :)

It’s unlikely they’ll really need to utilize them, as they aren’t going anywhere, but it’s nice to have them at the ready, just in case.

That was the last of my elastic, though, so I’m going to have to try this other style of sewing ties with fabric around the back of the head. Or await the giant spool or elastic that I ordered but isn’t expected to arrive for a couple of weeks.

Now...last but not-at-all-in-any-way least—I was so glad we got to sit around the living room/kitchen and participate in our church’s streaming Good Friday service:

Man, are these full and busy days just kicking my heiny, peeps.

Off to collapse.

Stay healthy, stay sane.

Over and out. 

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