Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Distancing Day 30: Replacement Doodles!

So...if you follow along on this here blog, you’ve probably seen an obnoxious number of pics over the past few weeks that involve my crazies and I, doodling or drawing or doing some kind of project, in front of living room TV, as we follow along to...

I mean, I cannot say enough lovely things about this doodling time for us during the first weeks of social distancing. We heard about it and joined on Day 2 (catching up over time), and it was just such a joy.

I adore Mo and his lovely temperament, his occasional bouts of hidden humor for the parents, his backstories on many of his bestselling children’s books, his Q&A time...I mean, it was just a joy (have I mentioned that??) to doodle every single day, as part of our official school day routine. 

And then...disappointment came crashing down upon us a week ago Friday, when we realized this specific doodling outlet was a limited, three-week program, and was coming to a close with an adorable (but soooo sad for us, as we didn’t know it was coming!) “graduation.”

I mean, the girlies each flung themselves to the ground...

And Chicklet depicted her displeasure in a drawing (appropriate, yes?)...

We. Were. Bummed. So, totally bummed.

But we had a small saving grace of knowing that we missed two episodes during the three-week stint, so we were able to stretch them out and enjoy our final rounds doodle time last week, while we entered the emotional realm of acceptance, ha.

Meanwhile...I lamented to Chica’s teacher about the ending of Mo (she’d been following along with our progress and enjoying the pics), and she brilliantly offered up this substitute, that we officially kicked off yesterday:

It’s basically a dad who doodles on screen with one of his kids for each instructional video.

They’re short (well, not for us, since we pause a bunch), they’re straightforward, and there seem to be a ton of them, since they’ve been going on for years. So there’s a plethora to draw from (ha—pun intended), which makes my heart happy.

Win, win, win for the replacement drawing activity!

Yesterday, we chose an Easter chick, so we didn’t lose our chance to cash in on some of the Springtime appropriate drawing. :) And here’s Chica’s adorable little guy:

And then today, we kept with the Springtime theme, and tackled tulip bouquets!

I adore how these all turned out. :)

Projects of any kind have always been a great stabilizer without our household, and a way for me to connect with the kiddos and invoke our creativity.

So I continue to be so grateful for this part of our daily routine during this quarantine, and I foresee us continuing all throughout the summer.

Drawing rocks.

And we’re grateful we can enjoy it. :)

And look—fun from afar can happen, as well!

I hope you’re all staying healthy and sane, peeps.

And finding small things that bring you joy.

Over and out. 

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