Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Distancing Day 31: Another Harry Milestone!

Well, m’peeps.

Our days continue to be full to over-flowing with work and chores and activities and school work. But we certainly collapse in bed at the end of the day feeling like we’ve worked for our slumber, ha.

And there are still pockets of wonderful amidst this quarantine. The family time being the biggest, magical (but also exhausting!) unexpected blessing of them all.

But there’s another major kind of magic Constantine lurking ‘round our casa. And that is our beloved Harry.

Short backstory for anyone catching up:

Chica and I have been reading the books aloud, from these awesome, large, illustrated editions. We started the first book last July (as sort of a seventh bday milestone), and took about four months to complete it. Then began the second book in October, and took about six months to complete. :)

Chica’s love and obsession continues to grow (and grow and grow), which just makes my heart want to burst all the time. And explodes with excitement and joy when we complete each book and she gets to stay up a bit late to watch the corresponding movie. (Though I’m happy to report that she’s a book-version loyalist, and definitely points out things that don’t match, ha.)

We were so close to the very end of the book last night that I stayed in her room far longer than usual at bedtime, so we could power through all the good wrap-up bits, and she was so tickled over some parts (giggling incessantly), that she was absolutely warming my heart.

Her delight over these stories and her immersive love of all that they entail makes it totally worth the massive time investment to read these together.

Chicklet is constantly telling me she’s old enough to join the Harry club, as well, and it just breaks my heart to have to hold her off one more year, but I feel it’s really necessary to be at a prime age for enjoyment and comprehension of these complex stories.

As it is, we’re going to have a tricky timetable on our hands within the year. Because we’ll be launching into the third book right away, and it’s quite a bit longer than the first two, so we’ll be lucky to finish it by the end of the year.

But after that, I fear we’re going to have to take a year or so hiatus before launching into the fourth book, as things get so much more serious and dark at times. 

I’ve looked up official reading age recommendations for each book, and we’re right in line with the ages to read the first three. But as suspected, the recommendation is age 10 before launching into the fourth.

So...we’ll have to see.

And we’ll have to evaluate as we go. 

But that’s a problem for another day!

For now...we’ll enjoy a couple evenings of watching the second movie and loving every second of it. :)


Happy Hump Day, peeps.

Stay healthy, stay sane.

Over and out. 

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