Monday, April 27, 2020

Distancing Day 43: Crash, Boom

So...anybody know what is sounds like to have an 80-pound chandelier fall from the ceiling and crash onto your kitchen island at one o’clock in the morning???




The house that apparently hates us just couldn’t let things slide with the A/C leak and resulting water stain that befell the ceiling of our upstairs landing a couple of weeks ago. Or the mice that we’ve been routinely catching in the attic over the past couple of weeks to prevent them from chewing obnoxiously down through the walls.


The house needed to bring something substantial to the forefront of our minds. And a crashing chandelier in the wee hours of the night certainly did the trick. 

Message received.

Nothing like turning off the power, disengaging the crashed light from the electrical wiring, and sweeping up the largest chunks of glass from the floor at 2 a.m.

And I wondered why I was sleepy this afternoon. 

You know, sometimes we just truly can’t win for losing with this house.

We’ve given it so much love and care, revived so many bits of it, and filled it with lots of laughter and joy. And the dang thing just keeps giving us the middle finger.


I’m so not one to put stock in bad luck or allow a place to create or take away my happiness. Won’t give anything that power.

But...some days, it’s kind of nice to dream about a house that doesn’t cause us so many headaches, and a clean slate that wouldn’t have so much baggage, ha.

Definitely keeping it all in proper perspective amidst the worldwide pandemic.

Yup, it was a yucky early start to a not-great Monday (and an installation error by a contractor, yet again).

Yup, it nicked the quartz countertops in a few places.

Yup, some shards of glass nicked the hardwood floor in a few places.

And, yup, now we have the expense of a new light fixture.

But. It could have been so much worse.

The is just a physical possession and not something irreplaceable. And thank heavens the kiddos weren’t awake and around when it happened.

The week only has to improve from here, right? Right???

Stay healthy, stay sane (if you can).

Oh, and stay tuned for a fun before/after post tomorrow that will help to remind me of all the happy within the house. Before something else falls apart.

Over and out. 

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