Saturday, May 9, 2020

A Rainbow Kind Of Saturday!

Well, m’peeps.

I am not a smart woman.

Mother’s Day should be the one weekend where I indulge in a bit of laziness (ha, what a fun and joyful and improbable idea). But instead, I’ve taken on a couple of time-consuming house projects today. So...yeah.

Not smart.

But more on that later.

For now, I must say that it was a glorious day of mid-70’s temps, and this was our family vibe for much of the day:

The most MAJOR reason for the high-flying excitement:


Little bro and his wife are currently at the hospital and the little babe should be born soooooon. And we are MASSIVELY excited.

Prayers for things to speed the heck up so my sister-in-law can get some relief after a long day of labor.

And the second, much less substantial reason for the crazy vibes is this rainbow project I took on in Chicklet’s room that I’ll share more about mañana.

So...MAJOR BABY WATCH AND WAIT going on around here, and I’m looking forward to another wild and crazy day tomorrow, I’m sure.

With maybe a nap, if I’m really, really lucky.

Love my (crazy) fam.

Over and out. 

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