Tuesday, May 5, 2020

A Very Hair(ried) Day

Oh holy Batman, our regimented schedule was thrown way out the window today.

I swear we Zoomed and FaceTimed and emailed and texted and conferenced called with every person on the planet on this harried Tuesday.

Or so it seemed. 

I mean, if it wasn’t random scheduled class calls or catch-ups with teachers and school staff, it was random customer service calls (me) or teledoc calls (hubby; seasonal allergies). And then throw in happy calls with grandparents and siblings, and for the love of all that is holy, even when it was all beneficial and/or wanted/needed, it sucked up all the time in the world today.

And by evening, I just wanted to throw m’phone across the room (kinda, but maybe not really). The blessing and curse of technology, yes?

Anywho...I blame the wheels-off schedule on the hubby, who decided today was the day for the men in the household so get home haircuts.

And while this is all well and good, since they haven’t had a trim in nearly 10 weeks, and I caught Little Man holding his bangs (do boys have bangs?) out of his eyes yesterday, the process was just a big mess and a total time commitment (hello, clean up) that I wasn’t ready for, ha.

But Little Man’s facial expressions were wildly entertaining, tehe.

Andy yup, we had him stand in the tub, to contain the mess. But, nope, I’m not dim enough to wash all that hair down the drain of the house that has already given us seven plumbing issues.

The itchies started getting to him...

So out came the towel/cape...

And, seriously, it felt like it took two hours, ha.

But he totally livened up with a refreshing bath by the time all was said and done.

And the hubby managed to cut his own hair (with just a little pinch hitting by yours truly for the back) without taking any chunks out, ha.

So...yeah. It was a day of far too much connection and overstimulation, and too much talking about school and education without managing much of it.

But. We’ll try again tomorrow.

And at least my kiddos were mostly adorable today. :)

Over and out. 

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