Monday, May 18, 2020

Pandemic Gallery Wall!

So...I really shouldn’t spend any more time at home staring at these walls, because my back might not be able to handle much more of these projects I’m creating for myself, ha.

Bless, bless, bless the healthcare workers and frontline warriors who have never had the luxury of staying home and going stir-crazy during these past few months.

As for me and mine, we’ve made the most of the situation, like so many people out there, and it’s been an unexpected joy to nest a bit and tackle home projects we wouldn’t otherwise have attacked.

But, boy, am I tired somedays. Though, grateful to have the distraction and challenge to break up the school work and routine.

(Oye, the school work! I know lots o’ districts are already done for the year, but we’re trudging through our final two weeks. More on that, tomorrow.) today’s installment of fun and personal house additions...I officially began a “pandemic gallery wall.” :)

(Note: the above is in progress. I have a handful more frames to hang.)

I’ve captured so many beautiful candid shots and special moments of my kiddos over past three months. And though that’s not unusual for me since I take about a bajillion photos each day, this time has been such a precious cocoon that these photos are really close to my heart.

And strangely, despite how many pics I take each day, I rarely print any and display them in the house. Strange, right???

I think it’s the result of two quirks. First, I just don’t have picture frames that I set out anywhere. We’re a bit minimalist in that way. And, second: I always end up completely indecisive over black and white, or colored prints??? I just can’t choose.

Ironically, we have a ton of artwork framed around the casa, but no family shots, ha. So this is a perfect time to rectify that a teeny tiny bit.

Luckily, we have this perfect little hallway upstairs that needed some flair. And when I found great little sets of inexpensive frames in black, I spent some time to finally look through my photos and make my top selections.

I’m not gonna was harder than I thought! Because I decided on full color shots, I had to make sure they coordinated, the spacing and composition matched relatively well, and that I liked the flow of all of my picks. And only time will tell when I get them on the wall.

But already, I know these three are golden, and among my favorites. :)’s a fun little project that will add some personalization upstairs in a boring little area.

And in other fun news...remember my foray into wallpapering???

I know this is an obnoxious print, but that’s actually what we want in this room (I’ve alluded to that already, but more on that subject in another post when it’s complete), but we so totally dig it—and the hubby is madly obsessed with it—so, it’s begun to multiply!

I’ve just about completed the longest and most prominent wall in the room.

And I’ve got another couple of rolls arriving in a few days to continue along the second-longest wall.

Like most of the world right now, we just haven’t wanted to spend much money. So we’ve been ordering just a couple of rolls at a time, slowly making our way through the project, and we’re really excited about how it’s looking. This room is going to be vibrant by the time it’s complete. In a way that just sort of sprung up on us. :) 

We officially bit the bullet—mostly on account of this pandemic changing where and how the hubby needs to work at times—and decided to turn this into a joint piano room/study. Boy, is it a functional challenge, but it’s been fun to try and imagine this shared space in a way that makes sense and makes our eyeballs happy.

So...more on all of that as it continues.

And more on a couple of other projects—one that’s just beating me down—sometime soon, too.

And...more on the school work we are SO READY TO WRAP UP in another post. Soon. 

Happy Monday, peeps.

Over and out. 

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