Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Superhuman Laundry Piles & Superhero Doodles


When the size of your laundry pile equals the size of your playroom blanket fort, it’s likely that...

You live on this earth (where there’s been a pandemic).

You probably have children.

You are perhaps crawling toward the distancing-learning finish line, based on steam-power only.

It’s a Tuesday (or a Thursday, or heck, any day of the week, really).

You’re feeling pretty awesomesauce if—like me—you’ve accomplished even one thing for the day. Even if that thing is doodling.

Chicklet’s awesomesauce Iron Man blaster pose:

Shocker: it was Little Man’s day to select our doodle. 

I’m pretty sure we’re going to systematically work our way through all of the Avengers. And I’m totally okay with that. :)

Heeeere’s Mama’s:

In all seriousness, we had quite a productive and learning-filled Monday. So that’s something. And in honor of our new baby cousin, our doodle selection yesterday was—you can probably guess it—a baby!

I adore Chica’s attention to detail with her shelves and all the goodies that occupy them. :)

Heeeere’s Mama’s:

And I just have to note that this was Chicklet’s second day in a row to draw a baby. In honor of her baby cousin’s birth, she’d already drawn one on Sunday—which she cut out (naturally) and carried around the house with her all day. :)

I mean, it’s truly an explosion of baby cuteness around here Again, in honor of our baby cousin, each of the kiddos have been carrying around a baby doll pretty much all day, every day.

I am now grandmother to three beauties named April, Cutie, and Sunny, in case you’re wondering. ;)

Okay...off to tackle some of this laundry.

It just goes to show how much I’ve been ignoring it for it to pile up this badly when we typically stay in our pajamas 90% of the day, ha.

Over and out. 

P.S. Coming back to you several hours after posting the above to add a few things.

First—we’ve had some crazy weather today. This morning, lots o’ heavy rain, and shortly after this pic, a tornado warning a bit north of us:

We actually had to go grab Chicklet’s remaining school supplies in a no-contact pick-up in the school’s circular drive (Chica’s pick-up is Thursday), and it was just raining cats and dogs, and I felt so sorry for Chicklet’s teacher, who was huddled just out of the splash zone.

Then it cleared up enough by midday to go on our walk, and...we had our first chin-to-pavement contact:


After nearly three months of daily bike/scooter rides, it was bound to happen. Honestly, we’re lucky that we’ve gotten this far with just som tiny skinned knees.

He was mostly upset over the sight of the blood, but it appears to be superficial for the most part, so here’s hoping for speedy recovery.

Then about an hour after the ouchie incident, here were the skies at dinner time:

And a little later still...a rainbow!

I ran to Chicklet’s room, because her windows face the same direction as the picture above, and it was SO fun to see the real rainbow mirrored in exact angle with the new rainbow on her wall.

Super special, really.

It almost felt like a rainbow welcoming party. Because how often does a person legitimately get a rainbow sighting?? The last one I can personally remember was a little less than two years ago (on back-to-School night when Chicklet was about to start preschool. Hmmm...maybe there really is a thing with Chicklet and rainbows).

So there you have it. Wild weather swings that appear to be scheduled throughout most of this week, but it’s oddly nice to have a bit of change in this season of quarantined monotony, yes?


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